More bones.

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The next day, I found more. I found them in a hole in the woods, and they looked a lot like the other one I had found. One looked like a hand, but it seemed to have only two fingers. The other ones were just ribs or something like that. I also hid those under my bed.

My mother had gotten worried.

I think I should have hid them better, because my mum found them. I felt so bad for making her worry, so after she found them, I hid all the other ones in a box outside. This time, I knew they were hidden out of sight.

It looked like I had a whole collection of bones... I felt just like a real scientist! Every day after school, I would go out and look at the bones and try to match them up, because i had a whole bunch. It would have been so cool if I could have made a whole skeleton!

Once, my dad caught me with them...

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