Wedding Jitters and a Lilac Bouquet

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It's an early morning just a week before your wedding day

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It's an early morning just a week before your wedding day. You woke up a little early as to get a head start on any last minute preparations you needed to get done. You were nervous. Mostly because you never really enjoyed the idea of a big fancy wedding ceremony. You preferred a small family event inside of a church with an officiant and a priest or something simple like that. Maybe a few candles here and there. But since your boyfriend had already paid for it, you decided to go through with the ceremony, as extravagant and intimidating as it may seem. Excuse me, your Fiancé, as he did propose to you a little over ten months ago. Your name is Dallas John Murphy. You prefer going by your last name as there are some heart wrenching memories tied to your first that you would like to keep buried. You're also fairly small, unlike your seven foot and tall fiancé, you were a comfortable height of four foot five. Not really the most helpful of heights, but it was nothing you could change. You sat up and took a deep breath in, smiling and looking out the window. Small vines and foliage cuddled up to the rims of it, making the view look almost like a photo with a decorative leafy frame to finish it off.

You loved the morning light that shone through your windows, it wasn't too bright and not too warm either. The subtle coolness of it toned nicely with your grayish-celadon interior with a white, decorative baseboard tying together with your dark grey wood-themed tiles. You had a small library in white, built in bookshelf that stood out a little ways from the wall with hanging plants scattered throughout your house. You didn't much fancy a bed as your species didn't much require sleep, but you did enjoy it however and so, you put up a hammock from the ceiling at the edge of your bookcase to the wall. You had a small cushioned chair set tucked under your tidy and minimalist desk in the corner accompanied by a small circular rug that lay dead center in the middle of your room. You weren't one for posters, but you did hang photos in your hallway. Not of family, since you didn't have any living ones remaining, but of your science experiments. Mutated plants that you created and studied in your office, which was also small and minimalist themed, just like everything else in your house. But you did have a photo of your deceased wife and daughter than you kept framed on a shelf of your bookcase.

You didn't see a need for overly decorative things or lots of beautiful furniture since you didn't take up much room and rarely ever had guests over. So it seemed rather pointless. But your plants made up for the lack of furniture. You even had several hanging terrariums in your bathroom, since it was well lit. You decided to head over to your kitchen, getting out of bed and throwing on a dress shirt and slippers, buttoning it up on your way over. You followed the hallway which went straight down to the living room after you passed the bathroom, beside your bedroom until you reached the entrance to the kitchen in the middle of the hall and to your left. The kitchen and living room were surrounded by a wide panning window that looked out onto your small garden, the fountain and mini river flowing gently. The bridge curved over like a small hill reaching from one bank to the next, the mossy rocks giving a wonderfully green and fresh glow to the yard. Your tall dark fences reached half way up your house, gently kissing the leaves just beneath the canopies of your large bonsai trees. You mutated them so they'd grow large enough to provide a gentle shade and an elegant barricade against the road noise you might hear from a few blocks down.

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