The Phone Call

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The drive over was beautiful. You loved getting to look out the window as you drove down the canyon and out to the valley, bearing witness to the stunning structures formed by the careful and steady hands of nature like a potter with clay. The canyon walls were an elegant array of different shades of red and brown that wove together with the gentle creaminess of the color of sand stone and lime stone that held them towering up over the highway that ran down the middle. The valley was delicately lined with a sea of flowers, dancing and swaying in the gentle wind that brushed over them. It was little things like this that you enjoyed most about life. The simplicity of it as well as the astonishing beauty that effortlessly takes your breath away, rendering you speechless.

It was a long drive, a few hours at most, though the scenery made up for the time. Honestly you didn't mind being on the road. The idea of travel enticed you. And there was a reward waiting at the end of it; getting to lay at rest in your fiancé's arms, snuggled up in some blankets on the couch in front of the tv with some movies and snacks- it was all so perfect to you. However, you haven't ever actually been to his house before. He gave you his address only after he decided he wanted you to move in. Even before that you can't remember a time where he had offered for you to come over. In fact, any time it was mentioned, he would shy away from the idea and come up with a new proposal. It seemed a bit odd but you thought that maybe he was just embarrassed about his room not being clean or something silly like that.

You stopped at a store on the way to pick up a gift for him. You didn't really know what he liked though. He never talked about himself. And if you asked what things he liked or was interested in, he'd always reply with either, "I'm interested in you." Or "I'll love anything you give me." Both were sweet but extremely unhelpful when trying to find something that was for the other persons tastes. You decided to rely on food, chocolate more specifically. But you weren't sure that it'd last on the drive over and dismissed the idea entirely. It'd be crummy on your part to bring him a bag of dried cranberries and a chia drink but those were the only things you could think of. Probably because you were hungry. And they were your favorite snack foods.

You settled for buying him some champagne and you grabbed your snacks as well before heading over to the cashier. You hated this part of shopping. Humans always thought you were a child because of your height so they either asked for your ID or they just flat out took away the beverage until you threw a fit about it and showed them your credentials. Another unhelpful thing about your height was not being able to hand the cashier your debit card. You only used debit since it meant you could only spend money that you put into it. It kept you out of debt. Something you were already in due to other factors, but that was a minor detail. Unnecessary as of yet.

"Excuse me sir, I'd like to see some ID." The cashier lady spoke, a nasally sound to her voice. She looked like she hated her job, and her monotone speech undoubtedly backed it up. Her eyes drooped like she was bored and tired of staring at the same people everyday, though she looked even less pleased that she had to look down at you. 'Here we go again.' You thought, pulling your wallet from you back pocket and retrieving your ID for the nice lady.
She sighed and walked around the counter to take it from you. Thankfully for you, she didn't make you stand on your toes this time to hand it to her. That was just embarrassing. A grown man having to stand on his tippy toes to hand his identification card over in attempt to purchase a single bottle of alcohol. It was outright humiliating. But you kept a pleasant smile on your face. No one could get to you that way. Smiles are disarming, and they make you less susceptible to attack, since bullies generally look for people who appear vulnerable and walk with their head down and bad posture. And if they were small. You ignored that last bit though, it was irrelevant to your mind. Besides, you liked to think everyone was a good person until they proved otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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