chapter 10

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Desiree gripped the steering wheel tight, mentally skimming the road ahead. Where is that supermarket again? She huffed, annoyed. After the new information about Shane, she didn't know what to think anymore. It's like she's the only one who detects something peculiar about what Shane does, what Shane is involved in. There are so many questions left unanswered, and she didn't like to be kept in the dark. She was always a very curious girl; growing up with this trait led her to some serious complications, Alice in wonderland was curious, and look where she ended up in. Desiree scoffed, no thank you, I don't want her implausible fate. She gasped as she almost missed Bennie's, the supermarket. She looked through the rear-view mirror and reversed back in a convenient parking space. She needed to get pads, her period was expected to start in two days, well at least that's what the application on her phone says. After locking the car and making sure, more than once, that it's been locked, she went in. That habit bothered her, but she was always afraid to lose her belongings; she didn't deal well with loss.

Desiree walked through the store's wide aisles, searching for her womanly sheets. There, by the snacks stand stood Shane Holt. She was nearly startled to death as she was not expecting to see him. A sudden chill swept through her and she forced her legs to go in the opposite direction, she didn't want to have to face him. After her rather unpleasant encounter with him, all she wanted to do was avoid him and his bitter remarks. Although he looked quite handsome today, more than he usually is, if that was even possible. The dark blue shirt he was wearing showed the electric blueness of his eyes. Those eyes were so striking, inmates sought such a sky-blue through a broken prison wall. His hazelnut hair was ruffled wildly about his face as he twirled his strands around his fingers incessantly. He was reading the label of some energy drink. Desiree sucked in a deep breath, clamped her eyes shut, whirled around, and paced in the other direction. Her throat felt dry and her stomach felt like it had twisted into double knots, who knew steering clear of him would result in such uncomfortable feelings? Desiree shook her head, and her face lit up as soon as she spotted the pink and purple stand. Rushing towards it, she picked the long ones with wings.

"So now you're avoiding me?" Shane's raspy voice sent an army of shivers marching over her skin. She almost choked on her own breath at his sudden presence. How did she not see him approach her? Desiree grasped her pads in a death grip, not able to speak. Shane drew nearer to her, leaning in. "I see it's the time of the month." He gave her a lopsided smirk and crossed his arms, making his biceps bulge and his forearms flex. Desiree's cheeks heated red as she involuntarily dropped the pads. What the hell is wrong with me? She gritted her teeth and bent down to pick it up, but Shane's hand snatched it first. His fingers brushed against hers and an electrical spark zapped through her hand, and throughout her entire body. His eyes darkened and his lips were pressed in a tight line. He threw it at her, and she caught it, murmuring a thank you.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Desiree cleared her throat. "You wanted to see me again, didn't you?" She quoted him, the words he told her during her encounter with him after his show.

He chuckled, pulling out a lighter and a cigarette from his pockets. "Darling, don't project your feelings onto me. I know you've been thinking about me." He clicked his tongue. "And some are rather sinful thoughts." He lit his cigarette, his intense gaze on her. "It's unhealthy."

Ignoring what he said and focusing on the latter, she scrunched up her nose at the cigarette between his pink lips. "This is unhealthy."

"What this?" He removed the cigarette from his lips and flailed it. Moving nearer to her so that his face was mere inches away, he licked his lips slowly with his long tongue. "I'm even more destructive." He warned her in a silken, seductive rasp, reaching out and rubbing his thumb along the edge of her jaw. Desiree's eyes were locked on his parted lips, she writhed, aching for him. She blushed at the way her body was reacting, this was unlikely of her. "Your hormones are acting up." His eyes narrowed to slits, his breathing had gone uneven. Desiree hesitantly put her hand to his chest and felt the solid thudding of his heart; she didn't know why she did so, but a part of her wanted to make sure this guy was real. Never in her life did she want to undress a man this urgently. Her feelings were all over the place. She wondered how he'd taste like.

Shane groaned, backing away from her. He avoided looking at her and muttered. "Pull yourself together, woman." He took a long drag from his cigarette and turned to walk away. Stopping midway, he sighed deeply. "Your period is tonight, the application is not accurate." With that, he left her standing there dumbfounded in the middle of the empty aisle. Tears threatened to spill, she felt so ashamed of herself. Clenching her fists, she followed him, wanting to tell him a thing or two. He will not keep on embarrassing her. But as she walked and walked, he was nowhere to be seen. She paid for what she came to get, and made her way outside, whipping her head from side to side, searching for him. It was pointless, he had vanished into thin air. Grunting, she rushed towards her car. Just as she was about to bring her car to life, she spotted a small piece of paper on her windshield. She hastily took it and read it.

"Start playing with yourself more. It'll relieve you, and give you more self-control around me. And don't try to find me, you'll never be successful at it. It is me who finds you."

Desiree's mouth hung open, the guts of this guy. How the hell does he know about the application? Maybe he's just assuming I have one since almost all girls do? No. He knew about what I was thinking. That is not normal, that is beyond mere smartness, that is some voodoo shit. She pressed her forehead against the steering wheel and sat still in a catatonic-like position, contemplating the enigma that is Shane.





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