Part 1

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We started shooting the flash, that was the first time i saw her. Her smile was brighter than anything. I knew i had feelings for Danielle but she didn't felt the same, or that's what i thought . The day we had to kiss for a scene I was so nervous because i was just tp kiss the girl i like. Yeah that kiss probably take 5 seconds but that 5 seconds feel like a thousand years. That night i received a message from Danielle saying: " Hi Grant ! I don't want to bother you but that kiss was amazing. I don't know if you feel the same..." .
I didn't know what to do. My heart started beating so fast and i try to write the cutest text ever to send to her i the only thing i send was: "Hi Danielle" i screwed up.
Immediately after i send to her: "I feel the same.... Do u want to go to a restaurant?" Danielle:"Yeah sure ! In half an our?"
Grant:"Okay were?"
Danielle:"At your place?"
Grant:"Okay!... see you soon 😄"

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