Chapter 7

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I woke up to my mommy shaking me to wake up. "Come on, you have to go back to daycare, I have to go back to work. You can go see your friends." she said. I shot up at the word friends, ready to see everyone again. I got out the bed to go brush my teeth while my mom took out sets of clothes for the week for me to choose from.

(put together your own outfit 🙂)

(put together your own outfit 🙂)

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*time skip brought to you by me cropping these pictures so they would only show clothes*

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*time skip brought to you by me cropping these pictures so they would only show clothes*

When we got there, I gave my mommy a hug and she kissed the top of my head. The lady from yesterday lead me inside. There was only a little bit of people. The lady said we came very 'early' which is why there was only a little bit of people. George, Samuel, James, and Thomas were here already. I promised I would talk to Thomas and James today, I went to go do it now.

/Normal POV/

As Y/N approached the table, James looked up to that Y/N was coming to sit at their table. "Thomas. Y/N is coming." Thomas looked up from his page and yep. There in front if them was standing a smiling Y/N. "I see you have kept your promise." Thomas said. "Yep. So, what do you guys do over here?" Y/N asked. (We try to hit on girls cuz were reliable with the LADIES! jk) "We look at the other kids here and see what they're doing or make fun of them." Thomas said. "Well I do it. James doesn't make fun of people with me because he's a big baby." he added on. James put his head down on the table. "You know I don't like it when you make fun of me." James whined. He began kicking his legs, which ended up kicking Thomas and Y/N, which ending in with Thomas screaming. "James. Why woULD YOU DO THAT!?." Thomas screamed in James face. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry," James said beginning to cry. "WHY DID YOU BEGIN KICKING IN THE FIRST PLACE?" he yelled. James didn't respond because he was crying too hard. "SEE YOU'RE NOT SORRY CUZ YOU'RE NOT SAYING ANYTHING!" Thomas looked from James to see that Y/N had walked away a while ago.

Walking away was a good idea because Y/N hated seeing people cry. While walking away, Y/N noticed that Lafayette had arrived. He was wearing a red shirt with black jeans. "Hey Y/N!" he said walking up. "Hi." Y/N responded back. Lafayette saw Thomas yelling at a crying James. "What happened over there?" he said pointing to Thomas and James. "Thomas made fun of James and James accidentally kicked me and Thomas. I walked away and Thomas is yelling at James now." Both Y/N and Laf face palmed at the same time. John and Alex walked up to the two, pointing at Thomas and James. Alex wearing the same thing he had on yesterday and John wearing a shirt with a turtle on it with some jeans. "What happened to them?" they said at the same time. "JINX!" Alex yelled. "Dang it." John said. "I was going to say that. "James kicked Thomas and Y/N accidentally and now Thomas is yelling and James is crying." Lafayette explained. "He WHAT?" Alex yelled. "He kicked Y/N and Thomas accidentally and Thomas is yelling at James and now he's crying. Didn't I just say that?" Laf said. "I'm going to give them a piece of my mind." Alex said. Y/N's head tilted a bit not knowing what that meant. "NO DONT DO THAT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT." John said. "MON AMIE, CALM DOWN." Laf yelled. They grabbed into his wrist. Alex yanked his wrist from their hands. "NO!" Alex yelled and made his way over to Thomas and James. "This is bad. Real bad." John said pulling his ponytail. "How?" Y/N asked. "Last time he said that, he punched Thomas in the face." John said. "Oh no." 

/Alex POV/

I stomped over to Thomas and James. 1. You're not going to kick my friend and nothing happens even if its an accident. 2. I was not going to put up with the yelling this morning, I have a headache. "Hey!" I yelled at the two idiots. "What do you want Hamilton?" Thomas asked me, saying my name like its poison. "Why are you yelling at him? It was an accident." I said to him. "You don't even know whats going on." he said back. "Yes I do. Tell him sorry." I demanded. "No. Never." he said back. I held my hand in a fist as like I was going to punch him, "Im not afraid to do it again Thomas." I pulled my arm back making him flinch. "I'm sorry, James." He said. I put my fist down, satisfied with his actions. "And you." I pointed at James, he jumped. "I'm sorry Thomas. Please don't punch me." James said. I wasn't even going to make him do that. "Follow me." I said. I took him to Y/N. "Apologize." I said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kick you." he said. "It's ok. Why are friends with Thomas? He's really mean" Y/N asked. James shrugged. "You're always welcome to play with us!" Y/N responded.  "Ok. James you can go back to Thomas." He nodded and ran back.

/Normal POV/

By the time he got back, Herc had arrived, wearing clothes similar to yesterday, an orange shirt and jeans, except this time wearing a beanie. "Y/N, why would you say that? I don't like him." Alex said. "If you took the time and get to know him, he's really nice." Y/N responded. "Wanna go get some juice boxes guys?" John asked. Everyone agreed and left to go get apple juice. "Alex, why are you still wearing what you wore yesterday?" Y/N asked. Alex got nervous, he doesn't really like people to know that he's poor. "Y/N, I really like this outfit so I wear it all the time." he said, hoping that Y/N would buy it. "Ok." "Whats taking you guys so long? Hurry up so we can play hide-n-seek." Herc said! "And this time, Im counting." Alex facepalmed, "Herc you know you don-" "And Alex I've been practicing, see? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.........6........7.......9 no wait 8. 9. 10! See!" Herc said. "Ok then if you say so!" The group put the boxes in the trash and hid while Herc began counting.


Ive been listening to Get Up by clippings and I really like it. And no, not because Daveed is in the band, I actually like the song. I've been working on this all day long, and I really worked hard. The video has nothing to do with this but I really like it.

Also, when your mom is going to beat you for not reading but she doesn't know you're reading on wattpad all day and writing a book. ;-; 

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