Beanie Boo

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I used to love Beanie Boo's. I had a whole collection. Even the limited edition ones. Sometimes, I talked to them. I told them my secrets. 

That's how they found me. When I told my Raccoon Beanie Boo I hated moving, I also told her are new address. Worst mistake I ever made. No, the worst mistake I ever made, was buying the Beanie Boos from ebay. Telling them are new address was the second. 

How was I supposed to know her eyes had camera's in them. They were watching. When they finally decided it was time, they showed me what they would do to me. They brought me underground to a dark work space, filled with Beanie Boos. They showed me how they put the camera's in. 

They also showed me how they took a piece of every victims heart, and stuffed it inside. That explains why my animals always smelled like they were rotting. Now I am rotting inside of yours. Do you have an owl Beanie Boo? That's me. Can you smell my heart rotting away? Or is the scent hidden to well. 

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