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I love posing in front of my mirror. I would always do the weirdest posses and send pictures to my friends. I had my back to the mirror and I did a back bend. Falling to the ground at what I saw. My reflection hadn't move. I stared at the mirror and could see anger and pain in my reflections eyes. 

I pulled the mirror off my wall and threw it to the ground, glass scattering every where. I would have felt safer, but I had more mirrors lined against the wall. Each of them with the same reflection. I dove on to my bed and pulled the covers over my head. 


Yawning, I got out of bed and stretched. I went to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't move. I couldn't even turn my head. In front of me, was my reflection? I didn't have a mirror in front of my bed. I went to run, but I still couldn't move. My reflection lifted her hand and waved. I copied. 

I tried screaming for help, nothing. My reflection lifted it's hand again. It was holding a knife. It slowly dragged the knife across it's throat. I lifted my hand and saw a knife. I kept trying to scream for help. 

Tried running away, and dropping the knife. Nothing. I could feel the wet substance drip down my neck as I slid the knife along my throat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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