5 - I Like The Night

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5 - I Like The Night


Riley POV


I had no idea what to do now. Zayn spilled everything. Harry fucked with my head. Vampires are real. What kind of world do I live in? is it possible everything is real? 

I was lying on the grass in a field that I had found and looking at the sky, pale clouds drifted past and the pale blue sky seemed to be mocking me. Daylight didn’t hold anything for me, for most people day time is a time to go out and be with friends and have fun but for me, all I want to do is go to sleep so then I can wake up when the night moved in. To me, the night is like the day for me.

Just imagining what it would be like to exactly like Zayn, like Harry. Living in the shadows, in the night. I sighed and closed my eyes, blackness was in front of me I relaxed my back muscles and concentrated on relaxing each muscle group. Eventually I fell into a slumber.

It was dark, night time, I turned my face up toward the sky looking at the moon then the little white dots that were the stars, and some shone brighter than the others, my eye sight was better, everything was clear and sharper. I felt stronger. I put my head down and my brown hair fell around my shoulders and face and I felt a smile creep onto my face, hearing something in the distance I turned and saw nothing. I looked around me and I knew I was alone, I couldn’t feel anyone else near me. That disappointed me, I set out at a normal walking pace but then that wasn’t enough, I started running and the trees around me turned into a blur.

I let out a wild laugh and drove my legs to go faster; I was nowhere near out of breath. I came to a grounding stop when I caught a scent, I inhaled deeply and my hunting senses took over me. Following the scent of the sweet yet musky smell I found myself in a crowded place. I felt frustration build inside me.

In a blinding rush of anger I let out a low growl and people turned to look at me, but I paid them no attention I was to set on trying to find the source of the smell, I made my way through the crowds and people seemed to just step out of my way, I knew it was something on my face that scared them.

Good. I like them scared. I got to the back of the room and I found the source, another smile appeared on my lips and my prey looked at me with wide blue eyes. I cocked my head to the side and I smiled even more, I knew it wasn’t a nice smile.

I grabbed the girl by the shoulders and yanked her up, I could feel her shaking with fear and by the way she was trying to escape my grip I knew she had no idea that her fight was useless, I was going to win.

She didn’t have time to scream before my sharp teeth sunk into the skin of her neck. Finally, I’m satisfied and I could have a pick out of anyone else in this place. I let the body of my meal hit the floor and wiping drops of blood from my lips I turned around. Yet again I smiled.

Open season.

I woke up with a start when I felt something wet hit my face, I opened my eyes and another drop of moisture hit my cheek, I blinked and sat up, it was nearly dark and it was raining. That dream was vivid and I loved every second of it. Was that twisted? Maybe. But I didn’t care.

I know what I want from life and I only knew one way to get that. I sat up and pulled my notebook toward me and put pen to paper:

We all want something from life,

Some people want fame,

Some people want love,

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