Chapter 17~

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George's P.O.V
Ah, the days have finally came. Most of the students went home to their families. By the time I get to the dorm Sam probably would have left for Connecticut. I walked through the foot-high snow, I saw a figure. They were laying in the snow with their eyes shut with a bag next to them. Ginger hair. Slim face. Small fig- Jesus fricken Christ. Samuel. I ran over to him. Pulse? Check. Thank god. I quickly took off my coat and wrapped him in it. Then, I picked him up, and his bag, and held him close, racing to our dorm. I was at my friend's,  Charles, dorm for one day and come back to find this? He needs to be more safe... Once we got there, I, once again, covered him in all the blankets I could find then held him close. His eyes lay shut but his heartrate returned to normal. I sat for what seemed like forever with him in my lap, but I'm not complaining. He opened his eyes slowly, still cold.
"Wh-Where am I..?"
"Your in our dorm"
"Nooooo I have to get-" he paused to cough, "get to the flight"
"When does it leave?"
" 9:30 "
"Well, I'm sorry but you're staying here it's 11:27 and you're sick"
"Wh-What? I'm not sick.....just....tired"
"There, there Sammy"
"My name is Samuel"
"I know"
Samuel sat up a little and looked at the blankets clearly trying to get out.  "the blankets are're freezing"
"I am hot..", he said , his voice a bit scratchy.
"Well, yes, but in a different way", He blushed, stop trying and leaned against me.
"I don't feel good..."
"I know"
"No, I really d-" He was cut off and puke all over the blankets, bed and me.  He froze noticing. "S-Sorry"

You'll be back~ {A Kingbury Fanfiction} Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz