At All

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Ethan's POV

It's been a few days since (y/n) left and honestly I haven't really thought about her often.

You make think I'm a complete jerk for not, but Grayson has been the best brother to help me get through this.

Aaron and Jack also found out about my situation and decided to come hang out with us for a week. We made a video together and even a rap song, but when that all stopped I got sad. Like real sad.

"Hey bro what's up?" Grayson asked me waking up to the couch I was sitting on.

"No. I miss (y/n). I don't know what happened, but we were suppose to talk every night but every time I call her she doesn't answer. Same with texting." I picked up my phone and threw it on the other side of the couch.

"I'm sorry man." He said not knowing how to cheer me up this time.

"It's okay Gray you don't have to always cheer me up." I said with a weak smile.

"But that's my job to make you happy!" He said as he jumped on the couch and started playfully punch me.

I smiled "bro! Come on." I said laughing.

He stopped and pointed at me with a smile "ah! I got you to laugh."

"Congratulations." I said still laughing.

He jumped up and grabbed his collar "why thank you."

I threw a pillow at him "dork."

He just laughed.

He decided to go and get me my favorite pizza for lunch. He's a really great brother.

Your POV

I feel so bad! The producer took my phone away so as he said 'don't have any distractions' I have no way to contact Ethan. He must think I'm a terrible girlfriend.

I was sitting in my dressing room as someone was doing my makeup when Sofía walked in.

"Hey (y/n)!...are you okay?" She asked as she looked at me through the mirror.

"No. No I'm not! The stupid producer took my phone away because it was a distraction and now I can't text Ethan and tell him what's going on."

I looked at her through the mirror as she took her phone out of her pocket.

"What! He let you keep yours!?"

She smirked "it isn't mine." She said as she showed me the phone.

It was mine.

"How did you find that!?"

"Let's just say I know a guy."

I squealed as she gave me the phone.

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem. But you need to hurry up or the producer might find out he doesn't have it anymore."

I nodded my head.

"Hey Ethan! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to text you. It's because my stupid producer took my phone away because he said it was a distraction, but my awesome friend snuck it for me. Only for a few minutes so I just wanted to say I love you and I saw your video with Aaron and jack. It was so funny!"

Ethan's POV

My phone buzzed and I looked at the contact to see it was (y/n). She finally texted me huh?

I opened it and saw this huge paragraph about how her producer took her phone away because it was distracting her. What a jerk.

I instantly texted her back.

"I love you too. I can't believe your producer did that to you, but I'm glad you found it and were able to tell me what happened. I'm happy I know you're not ignoring me. 😁💕"

"No I'd never want to ignore you! This shoot would be so much more fun if my love interest was you. 😘"

Wait love interest!?

"Who's playing your love interest?"

"Jake Paul. 😒"

Are you serious!?


"Yeah well I have to go before my boss kills me. Bye I love you! 😘 "

"Yeah love you too."

Jake Paul is her freaking love interest. That means they kiss...or worse. I can't let this happen. What if she ends up liking him. What if she dumps me for him!? I don't like this...AT ALL.

Your POV

Jake walked into my dressing room right after I stopped texting Ethan.

"Uh hey (y/n)." He said shyly

Why is he acting shy? In his videos he doesn't seem like the person to be shy.

"Hey Jake what's up?"

"Do you want to be in my vlog for the day?"

"Uh yeah sure." I said with a smile.

He smiled and grabbed his camera.

"What up Jake Paulers!? It's day one of Places my new tv show and (y/n)'s playing my love interest."

This annoyed my because the show isn't about his character it's about mine.

"Actually you're my love interest." I said smiling.

"Same thing right? Anyways.." he started saying.

I just smiled the whole time looking like I enjoyed it when in reality I didn't like it...AT ALL.

I wish Ethan were here.


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