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This is not a book of fiction. These events really happened. This is all my life and I'm proud to call it my own. Every event happened in real life and it's in the past. There's nothing I can do to change it and say it was pretend. I'm here to spread my story and encourage others to speak up. Please don't copy anything I've written because I'm hoping that this could get published one day.

With that being said, please don't comment anything insensitive because this is a very sensitive topic. Some may ask why I am doing this if I "can't take the heat". I can, I just want people to be respectful. I'm not sharing this story for me. I don't do this for the pity. I do this so that others who have gone through bad things can get the help they need and maybe share their story so people don't feel they're alone.

Because no matter where you are, what you do, you're never alone.


My Life Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt