Summer Camp

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Middle school was rough. I was bullied at my summer camp for things I couldn't control.

Basically, this was my summer camp years. These years are ears I remember the most and I remember everything because it wasn't that long ago. At my camp, there were a group of guys around my age that were constantly mean to me. They were rude and always got me in trouble.

This went on for about three years. By this time, I've already told my mom and she told the director. But the director was the mother of one of the bullies. Her name was Lola.

This is the family tree.

Lola-Her Husband?

Damian was the kid I had a huge crush on at the summer camp. He was nice to me and always played with me when I felt alone. His little brother was a jerk. He would punch and kick me and always be super rude to me and my siblings. It would take all my energy not to go home crying everyday. His youngest brother Jack, was the sweetest thing ever. He was 3 years old and always called me his sister. He gave me hugs and kisses and I loved that little kid as my own brother.

The next bully is a kid named Joseph. He was the absolute worst. He also had a little brother named Matthew. Matthew was like a mini Joseph. But at least, Matthew apologized and he was only 9 years old. Joseph would always take the stuff I was playing with or make fun of the people I was friends with. I was best friends with my current BFF, Lauren. She's so sweet and I absolutely love her to death!

The first day I came for summer camp, he laughed at the fact we were friends. She cried because they had bullied her too. They made fun of the fact that she liked mermaids and fairies. They hated her because she was good. They hated her innocence and that made my skin crawl. Whenever I played with Lauren, they were always there to make fun of her and me and mock what we did. I just told her ignore them.

He always messed with me. He would take the toys I wanted to play with or not include me from games I started. He would join a game of basketball and then only pass to his friends and I would stand there and then just walk away. The only reason why they never got in trouble is because their parents work there.

Although, there was one thing that kept me going every year. Maybe I would see the one guy I also had a huge crush on. He was older than me by a year and he always played cards with me, and never made fun of me like the other boys did. His name was Jacob. My friend Lauren had a crush on him too, but I never said anything. When I met him, I saw why. He was cute, funny, witty, and a challenge at the games I loved. Everything that I like in a guy. I was only 13 when we met and I instantly liked him.

He didn't come a lot because he had school during the summer and had to see his mom, but I came everyday hoping that he would show up. He was nice to me. And I was grateful that he was the shining light in the darkness I faced during summer.

One day, roughly two summers ago, I had enough. I was playing with another girl, who had been bullied about a medical condition that makes her appear bigger than most, and Joseph and his friends followed him to come over to us. We were playing with a ball and we were bouncing it back and forth. He came over and took the ball. I asked for it back and he just kept walking away. Eventually, I gave up.

Normally, we have two leaders, but today, we had a teenager watch us as a "sub". His name was Josh. He was cute, I'll admit, but he crushed every positive fiber in me that fateful day.

Anyways, I sat done with the girl and we just talked about cats or bracelets or whatever we wanted. We then decided to just get another ball. When we did, they took it again and I was annoyed. This is how the conversation went down.

"Can you please just give us the ball?" I said, pleading and annoyed.

"Can you get any more fat?" He said to the girl next to me. She gasped and I did too. Turning to her, I saw her life drain from her body and shock took its place.

"That's just rude! Give us the ball!" I yelled and they kept smirking, ball in hand as they bounced it as if to taunt us.

"You know, you'd break a mirror. But wait, that's if you find a big enough mirror to fit the rest of you." He said and I just stopped. He said that joke to the both of us. Telling me I was ugly and calling the girl next to me, fat. I wanted to punch him and I wanted to cry.

So I cried instead. I hugged the girl and we sat down, crying our eyes out on the last day of camp. I repeatedly told her how sorry I was and she said that it was  fine. Then, I wiped my tears and told Josh. I demanded that I see the director and he said "hold on."

"I need to see Ms. Lola. Right now." I demanded, it seemed obvious I was crying.

"Ok ok. Hold on a second." He said and unlocked the gate and waited in front of it, patiently waiting for all the toys to be picked up and everyone in line.

"I'll go by myself if you don't let me through. Me and her." I said, pointing to the girl that was crying. He just smiled and started to laugh.

"It's not funny!" I yelled and tears flooded down my face. Looking over at Joseph and his friends, guilt was written on their faces, but instead they laughed with him.

Afterwards, we all went inside and sat down on the carpets. Boys on the green carpet and girl were on the red. Josh talked to the boys and I held the girl, still crying and saying I was sorry. I heard something in my ear, that made me livid.

Turning my head, I saw all the boys laughing while some were pointing to us. Tears still in my eyes, I asked Josh if they were laughing at us. He said they were laughing with us, but I said "we weren't laughing. You must be blind or an idiot if you think we're laughing."

He told me to go sit down and wait. The director finally showed up and saw us crying. They pulled all the bullies and me and the girl into a separate room and talked to us.

"So, what happened?" Ms. Lola asked and we told her.

"We were being treated terrible and no one did anything." I said and her next words surprised me.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you played with them a couple times before." She said. Which was true. I did play with them before. This was when I thought they were playfully being mean and I thought they were our friends.

"Well, yeah but.." I was cut off.

"So this isn't their fault then. If you guys are friends, then you should be able to take a joke, right?" She said and I was stunned to silence. Is this lady for real?! Is she on something?!!!

I went home crying that day and that was the last day I ever came back. My sister and brother went back for a following year, but I never wanted to see their faces again, because if I did, I don't think I would be able to control myself this time.

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