Two Cat Uncles Panicking to the Beat

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PEnny was thinking about Papa Chimichanga again. Papa was an always a slute for Ryan Ross god with big kidney and mcribbin left elbow.

PEnny walked over to the window and reflected on her lesbeans surroundings. She had always loved pancocks McDonald's with its magnificent, motionless mcribs everywhere. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel angry.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the an always a slute for Ryan Ross figure of Papa Chimichanga.

PEnny gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a short, ????, pickle juice drinker with short kidney and coolio left elbow. Her friends saw her as a cruel, chilly coolio. Once, she had even helped a heavy freaking mcchicken cross the road.

But not even a short person who had once helped a heavy freaking mcchicken cross the road, was prepared for what Papa had in store today.

The rain ???? teased like yelling penguin, making PEnny mcribbin'. PEnny grabbed an emo snail that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers.

As PEnny stepped outside and Papa came closer, she could see the testy smile on his face.

"I am here because I want Mcrib," Papa bellowed, in a mcribbin' tone. He slammed his fist against PEnny's chest, with the force of 1338 mango. "I frigging love you, PEnny ."

PEnny looked back, even more mcribbin' and still fingering the emo snail. "Papa, I'm always a slut for Ryan Ross," she replied.

They looked at each other with happy feelings, like two fragile, faffdorking frog mcribbin' at a very lesbean concert, which had rip mcr music playing in the background and two cat uncles panicking to the beat.

PEnny studied Papa's big kidney and mcribbin left elbow. Eventually, she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you Mcrib," she explained, in pitying tones.

Papa looked sad, his body raw like a melodic, mute mc french fry.

PEnny could actually hear Papa's body shatter into 1954 pieces. Then the always a slute for Ryan Ross god hurried away into the distance.

Not even a drink of pickle juice would calm PEnny's nerves tonight.

don't even fucking ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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