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The air is still above a restless ocean. A ship floats on the ocean, rocking back and forth as waves crash into her bow, the wood creaking and groaning. The ship is anchored, her crew shouting happily, breaking the quiet. The mood is celebratory aboard the ship, where crew members are passing around a bottle of rum.

"Cap'n, what's our heading?" A gravelly voiced man asks. The other man flips open a compass, and stares intently at it. He gets a far off look in his eyes, filled with many emotions, regret, confusion, and longing fill his gaze, but only for a minute. He snaps out of it, with his usual demeanor of purpose about him again.

"Mister Gibbs, set course for Port Royal." He says, voice filled with purpose.

"Sir...?" Gibbs has a look of doubt consuming him. He gets no response. "Are you sure? I just thought that, after what all has happened there, you'd never go back. You're a wanted man, Jack. And most certainly there, of all places."

"My mind is made up. Do not question me." Jack says, abnormally briskly. He strides away, taking over control of the ship. Gibbs has no more time to think about his Captain's strange behavior, as Jack was issuing commands.

The ship instantly became a hive of activity, everyone running to and fro, preparing the ship to make way. Amidst the frantic scuffling, a tough looking midget runs up to his Captain.

"Cap'n, we're low on supplies. If we're to make it all the way to Port Royal, we'll need to stop somewhere first."

There is no hesitation before Jack responds. "We'll make port at Tortuga. We'll pick up supplies there, then continue to Port Royal." The midget nods, and dashes off to tell the crew of the change in plans.

The cheering on the ship picks up, as they are running low on rum, among other things. "Full sail!" Jack yells out over the din. The crew quickly oblige, the ship's bow cutting through the waves, and soon the fastest ship in the Caribbean is underway.

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