Chapter 4

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Katelyn knew it was a strange idea, asking a man-let alone a pirate, who she barely knew to sail the seas with his crew, on his ship. There was no reason why he should say yes. For heaven's sake, he could be holding her prisoner right now, but he wasn't.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Jack asked, a slight smirk taking over his face. "I believed you to be one of those goodie-goodie's who obeyed the tyranny known to many as freedom, protection, and law and order?"

Katelyn realized he was smarter then he looked, he had every right to be suspicious at her sudden change of heart after all. She had to appeal to his apparent love of sailing the seas.

"Well, I just wanted to sail the seas, the idea has fascinated me, going so many places, seeing so many sights. I just want to sail with you, on the Pearl."

Jack was quiet for a moment, focusing his gaze back onto the compass. He looked thoughtful for a moment, and then spoke. "If you're willing to do as I say, learn to fight, and become a member of my crew, you may join us. But before saying yes, think about it. From this moment on, you'll be wanted. Threatened. Hunted. Is this truly the life you want?"

Katelyn was speechless, she hadn't expected the pirate to be so... smart. She gazed at Jack, with a puzzled expression on her face. What secrets were in that fabulous mind? She debated joining. What young girl like herself wanted-let alone needed to be hunted by the law for the rest of her life? She did.

"Jack, I decided to accept your terms. I'll join your crew."

"Good. Go below, I believe there are a few extra swords down there, along with a few pistols. We'll have to get you some proper clothing next time we make port, but that... dress will do for now."

He rattled off the instructions as if he was planning this all along. He was a really confident man it seemed. Although he had to be to be a ship's captain, even if he was a pirate.

She ran down the steps to the entrance to below, and hesitantly went down. It smelled like hell down there! Pirates did not have very good hygiene standards, her teacher sure hadn't lied about that... now where were those darn swords!

Grunting with frustration, Katelyn passed what seemed like the umpteenth pirate to stare her down with a hungry look on his face.

"Excuse me, but do you know where Captain Jack keeps the extra swords? I'm new." Perhaps these admirers of hers could be of some use after all. She just hoped that soon they wouldn't treat her like eye candy.

"Right down there missy." A gravelly voiced pirate answered her, and Katelyn quickly walked away, eager to not be near those freaks.

She walked into a dingy and faintly lit room, with the glistening shine of a few blades scattered about in a disorganized fashion. There were a few pistols and knives to accompany the swords, all scattered about randomly, in the same manor. On a dusty black table, which was pushed against a black wall, was all the gunpowder and ammunition anyone could need.

Katelyn, after simply standing in the doorway and admiring the scene before her, went inside and grabbed a pistol, sword, knife, and handy pre prepared bag of ammunition and gunpowder.

"Impressive stock isn't it?" A voice said behind her. She twisted around and saw Jack casually leaning in the doorway, holding a bottle of rum. Of course.

"What do you want Jack." Katelyn had figured this much about the guy-he had a purpose for everything he did. That was what made him the most feared pirate in the Caribbean. Sure he'd gone through some rough spots, but don't we all?

"Simply to see what you've picked. Choices matter, Katelyn. Every little choice matters."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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