Chapter 1 | Plain Jane Witches

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"Hey, Jane."

Jane sighed as she heard her name. It was not as though she had anything against it, it was just too... plain. She would have preferred something like Willow, or Johnica, or even Janie, but instead, she was stuck with Jane. She tried to change it several times, telling her friends and family (foster family to be precise) to call her by some nickname she would come up with and they all would try, but eventually the name Jane would always resurface in the end.

Jane was currently standing at her locker getting her books ready so she could start another day at the hellhole called Washington Lee High School. But everyone just called it Washington High or The Hellhole because they couldn't be bothered to pronounce the entire name of the place where they were sent to learn and do work until their eyes bled and mind was turned into mush. There was simply no time.

Anyways, Jane was standing at her locker getting her books ready when her friend Amelia approached her. Amelia was the complete package. She was smart, funny, had good grades, and looked pretty. She was tall, almost 5'9 and she had short brown hair that went to her chin. Her brown eyes sparkled with excitement as she held her books tightly to her chest. Clearly, she had something she needed to say.

Jane always admired Amelia. Not only for her looks and intellect though. She was also jealous of Amelia's personality. Amelia was always kind and outgoing. When she had something to say, she would say it. She also made friends really easily. She could just walk up to people and talk to them with ease, making friends instantly. Jane could never do that. She was always too shy and the only reason she had friends was because they approached her.

"What's up, Amelia?" Jane asked noticing the glimmer in Amelia's eye that hinted had something to say.

"The sky. But guess what!" Amelia said, her voice overloaded with joy. Jane worried for her because she looked as though she might begin jumping up and down or explode if she didn't say what was on her mind.

"What?" Jane asked agin curiously, slamming her locker shut and lifting the books she would need for second period into her arms with ease as she glanced at her friend with amusement.

Amelia pulled out the paper she was hiding behind her books shoving it in Jane's face with excitement. "I got and A on my trigonometry test! Now my mom won't murder me! I get to live another day!" Amelia beamed as she practically skipped around Jane in a circle. "Hallelujah! I've been saved!"

Jane laughed grabbing her friend by the shoulders, trying to get her to come to a standstill. No one was staring, they had all become used to Amelia's antics but Jane didn't want to be late to her next class. She had trigonometry now and the teacher was a complete bitch. There was no doubt that if Jane got there late she would get a detention.

"That's great, Amelia," Jane congratulated her friend, "but I would like to live another day as well, so I better head on over to class, alright?"

Amelia nodded, gaining control of her excitement. "You're right. I'll see you at lunch though, yeah?"

Jane scoffed. "Duh, it's not like I made any new friends. You are the only person I really know. See you later!" Jane and Amelia waved farewell and Jane started her trek towards one of the most feared subjects known to man, trigonometry.


Jane had almost reached her destination when she turned a corner and ran into someone.

"Oh no!" Jane cried out, putting her hands over her mouth as she watched books fall to the floor. "I'm so sorry. Here let me help you." Jane squatted down onto her knees and began stack books quickly, sorting out what belonged to her and what didn't.

"Don't worry about it," the other person said softly, helping Jane pick up the books. "I should have watched where I was going."

Jane glanced up at who she had ran into and saw Maybell Prince, a shy girl in her English class. She was blushing as she picked up the books, not used to all of the attention she was getting at the moment.

Jane stood up, handing Maybell her stack of books. "Well, while I would love to stay and chat," Jane began as she accepted her books from Maybell, "I really need to get going before my hide is skinned by Mrs. Smith." Jane smiled regretfully at Maybell who just smiled at Jane sympathetically in return as she lifted herself up to her feet.

"I understand." Maybell said softly. "Good luck getting there on time." Then she took off and sprinted down the hallway to her second period.

It was at that moment when the warning bell rang and Jane cursed under her breath, sprinting in the opposite direction to her classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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