Jumin x Zen (SMUT)

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Edited and wow, it's kinda cliche and cringey but oh well, hope you enjoy it!


    Jumin had finally convinced Zen to come over. He had a plan, a plan that the white haired boy would probably not easily comply to.

    When Zen arrived, he knocked hesitantly, wondering if he should just bail. But, it seemed to be too late for that option as Jumin opened the door only a few moments after he knocked.

"Hello, Zen. Please come in," Jumin greeted in a monotone voice, showing the boy inside.

"Why did you invite me here exactly?" Zen questioned cautiously. He couldn't figure out why someone who hates him had invited him over so suddenly.

"Well, Zen..." Jumin pauses for a moment. "That's quite simple. I want you."

"Wha–" Zen started but, was caught off by Jumin pinning him to the wall. "J-Jumin! What the hell?!" He exclaimed, shock coursing through his body.

"I will get what I want, and as you know, I want you."

"But you hate me!" Zen gasped out in confusion as Jumin moves to kiss down his neck.

"If I hated you, I wouldn't be doing this now would I, Kitten?" Jumin smirked as Zen blushes a bright red from the nickname.

"Jumin–Ow!" He whimpers, quietly. Jumin had just slapped his thigh firmly, tsking at the other male.

"I'm not Jumin to you."
"Wh-What do you mean...?"

"You must address me as Daddy while we aren't in public. Got it?" Jumin said in a strict tone. Zen went to object, but he quickly stopped when Jumin sent him a glare.

What the fuck was going on?!

"Got it?" Jumin raised an eyebrow expectantly at the rather confused white haired man. Zen slowly nodded as he tried to wrap his head around this situation. "No, use your words."


"Yes what, Kitten?" Jumin chuckled, looking at Zen's completely flustered face.

"Yes...D-Daddy," Zen mumbled quietly, feeling himself become even more embarrassed as he slowly let go of his pride.

"There we go, that wasn't so hard was it?" Jumin asked, picking the white haired boy up, moving him over to the couch before placing him down gently. "Have you ever done this before?" Zen hesitantly nodded at the other mans question. "Ah, that's surprising."

"Sh-Shut up!" Zen exclaims, trying to keep at least some of his dignity, as he had already lost most of it by even cooperating. The dominant one of the two rolls his eyes before confidently taking Zen's shirt off.

"Are you okay with this?" He questions, receiving a curt nod from the boy. "Not shy, are you?" Jumin chuckled.

"Why would I be shy? I'm fabulous."

'Yep, this is Zen all right.' Jumin thought to himself with a chuckle before kissing Zen, something he has been wanting to do for quite some time now.

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