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I need to pee . I told myself . I have been holding it in for quite some time already and if nature is calling , i can never decline it .

Well , unless i wanna pee myself on the bed .

Carefully stepping out of the bed , i walked slowly towards the toilet that was located not far from my wardroom . A girl on clutches saw me looking lost and pale immediately came up to me and asked me if i needed help .

"Hey miss , do you need any help ? You look like you are going to faint anytime now . " she looked at me worriedly and i shooked her off , saying that i was fine .

She looked as if she was the same age as me and she looked pretty even in this hospital gown , i couldnt help but to feel alittle jealous .

Sometimes , there are just certain people who would look good in everything , even if they were told to wear trashbags , they would look like models ready for photoshoots . This was how unfair the world is .

"I cant really hold onto you now , well obviously, im on clutches . But if you are looking for the toilet , its right over there , i can escort you . " she smiled at me and trailed behind me .

After i reliefed myself , i came out and saw the same girl leaning against the wall , seemingly waiting for me .

"Hey whats your name ? Lets be friends here since its so boring in the hospital . " she balanced herself well and offered to shake my hands which i did , feeling alittle flustered .

I was always the one who took initiative in making friends and this was a first when others wanted to be my friend first . " im Son Na Eun but you can call me Na Eun . I have stage 3 lung cancer and well , im still alive and kicking ." I joked alittle as she came along with me into my wardroom .

"Sit here ." I said as i dragged a chair beside my bed and helped her to sit properly after placing her clutches properly.

"Na Eun , you can just call me Xena . Let me tell you a secret , Im the daughter of the hospital's boss . Shhh okay ? Well , it would be unfair if you told me why are you here and i dont . Where do i even begin ? Well im a dancer and i had accidentally sprained my ankle . " I could tell that she had a bubbly personality and is very much a lovable girl .

"Xena , im so sorry to hear about that ... it must have been really painful isnt it ?"

She nodded and patted my back , " i think you are the one whos suffering more than i am . dont worry , you will never feel lonely again because Xena is here and im going to be your friend !" She grinned and i smiled back at her .

Just then , the door opened , revealing Jimin . Upon seeing him , my mood immediately went up and i was very excited to talk to him again since i only usually see him during meal times .

"Hey Jimin , meet my new friend here , Xe—"

"Xena . Yea , im also incharge of her . Fancy seeing you two as friends , i guess . " he shrugged .

Why is he shrugging today ? Did they have a past together ?

Xena batted her eyelashes and tried to stand up , but failing to do so , she was about to fall but luckily , Jimin caught her in his arms . Somehow , i felt a pang of jealousy in me but i shooked it off .

"Be careful , Xena ." He said and Xena blushed , before taking a seat again .

"Yes Nurse Park , you are such a cutie that i cant resist . Im so happy to be assisted by you ." She played with his hair and Jimin moved away from her .

He looked at me and said , " I'll come back alittle later alright ? Please eat slowly and dont get your tongue burned . I had gotten you some banana milk , hydrate yourself alright ."

After he left , Xena started making dolphin squeaks , " that boy is so cute , isnt he ? Ah i wanna make him mine but he doesnt even spare a look at me . He looks at you differently instead . Let me tell you another secret . I dated him in high school before . "


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