letS bE confuseD togetheR.

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Im planning to write a story bout this one shot hmmm



That name echoed in his ear achingly.  Who is he? Why is he in his mind? He looked around the hospital beds blankly. A bunch of shouting was blared out by the door leaving only just me in the room. I looked down at my wrist, scars. Flashbacks started emerging into my  mind.

I was with a boy; sobbing into his chest. Who was he argh! My anxiety and depression getting worse everyday, not only from school and my parents as well not supporting my  sexuality. It was all too much for me. I soon began hyperventilating, my breathing more and more uneven as if I was going to faint. "Liam, Liam I need to tell you something," I remembered looking up to the boy. God, was he beautiful. With his raven hair and beautiful cocoa eyes. His slender fingers were wrapped around my pale ones and was holding them loosely. "Yeah," I croaked out, black spots started to emerge across. "I don't think we can do this anymore, I think we should take a break," he whispered. My face felt pale, I love him, how could that happen. "No, I love you," I sobbed not sure if I should touch him or not. " I love you too babe but I just-" before he could've finished, I blacked out.

"JONATHAN," I screamed out as tears started to pour.


I was playing on my phone, waiting outside as my parents were meeting their friends' newborns. Kanye West was blasting in my earphones when suddenly I heard a scream. 


My body froze, that wasn't just someone's scream, that was Liam's. My heart began to race. Why was he calling out Jonathan's name? They broke up weeks ago. I was a bit disappointed since I had the biggest crush on him since middle school. 

I was .... infatuated.

In love. 

 What happened to him? 

He was a close friend to me but every time he talked to me or patted my back when I coughed, I could feel my heart flutter. (so I fake the occasional coughs)

Without thinking, I rushed straight into the room.There he was, tears streamed down his face as he chocked back sobs. His beautiful golden eyes were now pale and showed sadness. I whipped his towards me and let out another terrible cry. Fck how I hated him crying. I rushed to him, enveloping into a hug as he sobbed and sobbed wetting my shirt but I didn't care, I was holding him. I wish this can last forever.


My brain was still a bit fogged but I knew he was Jonathan. He rushed to my side and enveloped me into a hug nearly rushing my ribs. I cried as he said sweet nothings to me . It felt so right, him and I. I looked up a few hiccups escaped as I calmed down a bit. I looked him in the eye and just looked at him. Same raven hair and chocolate eyes. "Jonathan is that you," I whispered my eyes fluttered a bit.

"I- "he was about to answer but looked at something and looked a bit dazed but ignored it. 

"Yeah I am," he answered looking at his beautiful lashes.

"Are you going to leave again?" I asked vulnerably. 

"Never," he answered his eyes shining with hope.

I smiled gently and leaned in.


He kissed me

 I knew it was wrong, faking an identity especially when he had minor amnesia. 

But it feels so right.

Fireworks erupted in my stomach.

I gently placed my hands on his hips as he wrapped his arm around my neck.

"I love you so much Jonny," he whispered as tears started to cascade his cheekbones. I gently used my thumbs to wipe them away. He was so beautiful. His golden eyes glistening with  endearment, his long luscious eyelashes and his scruffy dirty brown hair-everything.

I can't believe it, I'm going to say the words. Those words I've been dreading to say when he came to my house for a sleepover. That time when we went to the park. That time the guys were playing truth or dare. So many times but I chickened out, especially after he started dating Jonathan.

"I love you too Leeyum," I breathed out.

 I'm sorry I did this.


or is it mwahahha :P

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