Remaining heart

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Tsuna POV

"where am I?" I questioned as I found myself standing all alone in this dark abyss.

"Welcome~!" a voice greeted me, and I'm shocked to see that I was greeted by eum... little version of myself?

"Hello there..." I greeted back, "What are you doing here, little one?" But I got no reply...

Little me just smiled then ran away. "E-Eh? Cotto matte!" I shouted as I chase him, But he ignored my calls and keeps on running.

I notice that my surrounding has changed its scenery...

'What the-?' but before I could register on what's happening. I've lost my little self, and it tooks all of my attention.

"O! Little one! where are you?" I called in shouts.

Just then, as the whole scenery changed fully, my little self re-appeared. But before I could call for him again, he sang...

[Talk of the past-Matsudappoiyo]

"I do things correctly. I don't deny anybody, anything

one day a long time ago, I protected myself with those words

I'm honest, unecceptable words met with contempt

and I don't know the truth

Ever so often there would be fights and without reflecting on those wounds -only looking behind me, I ran

Hey, somebody acknowledging me. But when I looked at them, they only bowed their heads

Even thought I really feel as if I'm freezing, I'm so lonely

But despite that I stay inside

The memories on how I was bullied back then during my childhood siddenly reappear before me...

It was like I was chained down while they do things to me...

In that instant I know where I am...

Therefore I couldn't do anything but smile bitterly, watching my pastself got all bleed...

not so long then the scenery changed...

I do things correctly. I don't deny anybody, anything

one day a long time ago, I protected myself with those words

I failed tremendously 

"That's a surprise..." "To think that you..."

Their eyes were so cold, it hurts...

Hey, somebody protect me. There's no way I could do it alone, could I?

The weight of their expectations is so painful it'll kill me

and so I found my self alone again...

Ha... this scne... was just few years ago... as soon I find myself doing good, and make just one mistake, people pointed. They blamed and laugh at me but I only hung my head low as I walked away...

Again, it was as if I was chained down, I couldn't do anything. I could feel the prick on my eyes though. But no... I won't cry... don't worry, I won't...

This shadow hasn't disappeared yet, even today

"You're right, it hasn't... It's getting thicker even..." I chuckled, unitentionally in sad tone. Now, the other me is on the same age as mine...

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