L e t t e r 1 ◈

58 24 17

5th February, 2017

Dear Tulip,
                      I know what's the first thing that's gonna come up in your mind right now. Who is this? And why are you writing to me? I guess that it is natural for you to be creeped out by an anonymous letter. Well, I am going to let you have a little idea of who am I.
    Firstly, I am not, I repeat, not a person who has the intention to harm you in any way possible. I'm just someone who attends the same school as you. Weird, right? There are about 1000 students in the school, so I would like to wish you a good luck in trying to figure out who am I. Don't worry, I am also not a creepy stalker that you might refer me as.
I'm just... A friend.
Have you been feeling down lately? Cause if you're gonna say no, we both know what's the actual truth. Long story short, I just want to help you.  I want to help you rid your mind of all negativity running across it, I want to clear the grey clouds that circulate above your head wherever you go, and replace it with an endless, bright , blue sky.
       I saw you walking along the hallway today in school, Teala and her group of 'bitches' has been bothering you. I see it in those icy cold eyes they have whenever they glance at you as you pass them, they are not up to anything good. Therefore, I would like to sincerely warn you to be careful around those not-so-friendly barbie dolls.
        Whatever they say to you , don't take it to heart. Those harsh,mocking words that Teala said were meant to bring you down. They don't dictate your self worth,princess. Ignore them for all you care, just be yourself. Then again,this question might have popped up in your head when you read this, questioning why am I being so nice to you. Well, I can't give you an exact answer. But I can guarantee I despise bullies ;)

     Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a painter living in a village, he wasn't rich,in fact, he was far from being rich. Yet, he has a passion, for art. Day and night, he would make a good use of the very little painting supplies he had. As he picked up the paint brush, he would create an alternate dimension, where there was no one other than his piece of work and he himself. A peaceful place where no other villagers would judge him for creating all those 'ugly trash'. No one to tell him what to like, what to be and what to do.
"Put down those paintbrushes and help with the farming for goodness sake!" The villagers nagged again and again at him.
Despite those circumstances, he still continued to pursue his big dream. The painter used his boundless creativity, picturing his vision of what he wants and making it come alive through a canvas. The gorgeous colour combinations, the splatter of different colour, no one could do better.
       Who would have thought that one day, his works were recognised by the royalty. The king personally requested for him to become the kingdom's greatest painter. Not too long after, countless amount of the painter's paintings were hung up and displayed throughout the castle. So there you have it, the painter believed in himself and attained success, only to prove the other people in the village wrong. It was through thick and thin that he achieved his dream.
      Thus, please have more faith in yourself, Tulip. I know you're having a rough time dealing with the never-ending bullying in school. But you must be strong, believe. And one day all of this will end, you will make it through.

Always believing in you,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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