school. (oh no why :(

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its school tomorrow and i just cant like literally im gonna be stuck with

the section i hate the most where all annoying little people

not necessarily little just annoying and people who you would want to be with generally

at least tomorrow's a half day

and tomorrow we have a surprise for our friend and by we i mean i have a small friend group where we help each other cope with the bs of everything

just somewhere you can rant without getting exposed plus friends idk

i wasnt really sociable and was really quiet on the grade before i met them so i think it's great

i had something close to this before but in sorrow we split cause there was somekind of conflict between me and friend 1 and friend 2 left school

so yeah i hope for the best??

I reread this and i seemed v short and lacking

please give me some advice to the people who i know are reading this 🙃

birthday to halieuu 💙💙

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