Start All Over Again.

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Author’s note: Hey Guys! This is my first fan fiction and I will be working on a cover for this, The first chapter is already on Instagram. So, It all starts off as a virus gets through the city of Georgia, people never think it would be serious so everyone continued on with their lives. In Atlanta, a girl goes through her normal life as she heads to school.

Chapter 1: Sick or Dead?

I looked around the hallway to see if my best friend Kate was around but I didn’t see anyone in the hallway I was in. I got confused because due to the fact she was supposed to be in the hallway but I knew she is probably with her boyfriend. I looked at the clock to see that I was late so I head to my locker to quickly get my books. I wasn’t thinking of anything, I just wanted to head to class so I wouldn’t be late. I ran, not looking at anyone but at my books and the classroom I was trying to head to. Then, I felt something hit me, as it fell I also fell to the ground. When I took a look to see who it was I was pretty surprised on who I bumped into. It was Carl Grimes, He stands up.“You Okay?.” he asked. He asks for my hand but I ignored him, I didn’t want to fall in love that quickly. “I’m Fine.” I told him, I felt really embarrassed when I bumped into him. I didn’t have time, immediately I ran to my classroom to see if Kate was there but she wasn’t. I was still confused. She probably skipped class again.

My teacher wanted us to watch the news to see what was the status of the virus and the news reporter explains the story. “As you can see here a bunch of citizens are getting the virus and in fact already 20 dead.” as the cameraman shows the 20 dead bodies being carried away I could see our class in fear. Our teacher tells us that everything will be okay and that the virus won’t be able to spread that quickly but I knew something bad was going to happen. As we looked at the T.V to see one of the dead bodies being carried away the cameraman shows very closely that the body was moving. One of the doctors put the body down and see what was going on. The woman that was supposed to be dead reached the doctors neck and forcefully bit the doctor. The doctor screams in pain and tells the nurse to help him, but it was too late. The reporter screams in fear while the cameraman shows 1,2,4 people covered in blood walking very slowly at the cameraman, the cameraman started to lose focus on the camera and tries to run away. One of our classmates started screaming and inside I was screaming also. After that the camera went blank, the channel shuts off. “Everything is so going to be alright!” Our teacher shouted, I knew something bad was going to happen. One of our classmates wanted to leave for a moment to calm her nerves down and our teacher let her. She ran out like there’s no care in the world. Our teacher closes the door and tells us to get back to work and so we did. 30 minutes later when class was about to end we heard a loud scream outside our door. Our teacher thought there were students messing around in the hallway so she decides to check to see what was going on. “OH MY GOD!” She screamed. I looked to see what was happening and right when I look I also screamed. My best friend Kate, she was eating her boyfriend, blood and gore everywhere on the ground, I can see in Kate’s eyes that she was different, she was infected with the virus.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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