Nyo Java

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Sumatra: ey! Ya know what?

Java: no!

Sumatra: :u you suck.........

Admin: *breaks the windows* DOES ANYONE SAY USUK?????!!!!


Admin: *ded*

Java: =_="

Sumatra: you know what? I just imagine your female version

Java: me?

Sumatra: yeah since you are the most populated island in the world, i imagine that your Nyo will be have those 'big boing watermalons' like Ukrine even bigger. And it goes boing boing boing bo------

Nesia: *brust in* *and throw sandals to Sumatra and double head shoot* YOU PERVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Java: i-i don't quite understand what's going on in here.........

Nesia: nah big bro! Don't ever think about it!

Bali: Bli Sumatra.............

Bli means big bro in Balinese

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