Chapter 1

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"Hey Ash! Wait up. What's with all the rush? It's just the first day of school and you are already excited? Wow!" asks Mason.

I look at my best friend of 8 years with a look he is well accustomed to. The 'are you kidding me' look. Hey, don't blame me. He is the only person in the world who would forget his crush since he was a scrawny teen's birthday – no not me, Delilah. That brings me to introduce the third member of our tiny little group, Dee. She is your typical blonde cheerleader with an outgoing personality, but don't let that fool you. She might as well be the most intelligent person I have met. She basically lives and feeds on detective stories, and secretly hopes to be the next Sherlock homes. But anyways, coming back to the topic, Mase, Dee and I, we have been glued to each other since the past many years, and are known as 'The Three' by the rest of the school. While Dee and I are in the Cheerleading team, Mase is the quarterback of the school's football team, and might as well be your day to day jock, but once you know him, he will be the most caring and affectionate person you would ever know.

I am completely shaken out by my train of thoughts when I suddenly feel cold water running down my back. Looking back, I saw Mase standing there with an innocent look as if he had no idea of what had just went down, simply staring at a drenched me

"Mase!! What the.. oh god its cold!" I shiver and see Mase completely lose his mind, laughing his ass off on me getting a hypothermia!

"OH god your face! It looks so... so hilarious!" he says, in between breaths while laughing. Damn multitasking.

Quickly, before I get any colder, I head towards the washroom, my handbag in tow. While changing into some clothes I generally keep for emergencies like this one, credits to Mr.I-hate-Ashley, I hear the bell ring. Thinking to myself, I rushed through the now-empty corridor is search of the chemistry lab. I couldn't afford to be late on the first day itself. Finally, after finding the lab, I barged in through the door, before quickly composing myself from turning red.

"Welcome Ms. Ashley. Its so wonderful to be graced by your humble presence. May you kindly tell us the reason of you late arrival?" began Mr Higgins

"I am so sorry. I just got caught up in some work." I said with the sweetest smile I could muster, hoping he would let me off without a detention

"oh, that's so sad. Not. Here is your detention slip. Now go sit on the empty seat on the third row. I have already assigned lab partners for the year to everyone, except for Aaron here. So Ashley, he is your partner. Now go" he says. Here goes the hope of getting home early. What I perfect day.

Cursing my luck, I head towards my seat when I catch sight of my partner. Calling him hot wouldn't even begin to cover him. He had the most intense blue eyes I had ever seen, boring into my eyes. Well, not exactly, they were roaming all over the place. He was clearly checking me out, but who was I to say anything because i myself was clearly checking him out. Hey, no judging. Of course I would check out the guy who looked like a Greek god.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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