Snow Storm

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The smell of sizzling bacon broke through the dark blanket of sleep. The fire crackled by Nick's ears and a patter of paws danced on the floor. Virginia hummed quietly in the kitchen. Millie, the young  border collie yipped. Nick jumped and sucked in a breath. A few days of good rest at the Slade's house had done him good, and he had gotten to spend a little time with Clayton, the other Pony Express Rider, though not much because the young man liked to go to Fort Laramie which was nearly 20 miles away and spend the night with a friend of his. Clayton wouldn't say who, but Nick had his suspicions, the lucky dog.

Nick let out a breath and prepared to fall back asleep, but a thudding sound outside caused him to freeze. He strained his ears, listening for anything. Everything seemed muted. Another thunk against the door. Millie yipped and danced on the floor in front of the door. Nick sat up. Virginia didn't notice the thumps, or if she did, she didn't react. Muted shouts and hollers came from outside, muffled through the door. The smell of the bacon could have easily attracted the attention of a bear.

Nick threw off his blanked, rolling off the cot in the corner of the room and grabbed a iron stick that sat by the embers of the fire before rushing to the door. His heart fluttered in his chest. In the room, was an empty cot where Clayton had slept last night, and the door was shut to the Slade's bedroom.

Nick quickly shoved on his boots and, holding up the iron poker, Nick slowly opened the door, using his foot to hold back the excited border collie. Snow fell gently from the grey sky, covering the budding green trees of spring. Another muffled yelp came through the snowflakes. It sounded like it was behind the stable. A breeze of icy wind caught in Nicks shirt. He shivered and cautiously rounded the corner, pressing himself close to the wooden wall. If it was a bear, he would need to make himself as big and intimidating as possible. He gathered his courage, raised his poker and jumped out from behind the house, roaring loudly.

He was just in time to recognize Clayton, before a big wad of freezing snow thwacked him in the face. Cold stung his cheeks and neck. Laughter roared in front of him. Nick gasped and wiped off the snow, blinking water off his eyelashes.

Clayton jumped up, grabbed him and shoved him behind the house.

"Hey kid. I thought you were gonna sleep till your 30th birthday. So nice of you to finally join us." Clayton said breathlessly, glancing back at the corner.

"Finally join you in what?" Nick asked. Clayton grinned at him, water dripping off his red nose, his cheeks were flush, and his hat and clothes were covered in snow.

"Joe and I are havin' a little fun in this splendid spring weather." Clayton explained, referring to the Station Manager, Mr. Slade. Clayton grabbed a handful of snow and packed it down. Joe popped out from behind the corner of the house and chucked a snow rocket at them. It thunked against Clayton's shoulder and showered Nick in snow. Clayton jumped up, waited half a beat, then threw his own snowball, just as Joe peeked around the corner. Joe disappeared and they could hear sputtering from behind.

Nick stabbed the poker in the ground and packed his own snowball, smiling wildly. Joe popped back out and threw another snow bullet, disappearing just as a hail of snowballs flew past him. Clayton and Nick packed more snowballs and poised, ready to strike. They waited, breathing fast and grinning. They waited, but Joe didn't appear.

Pressing himself to the wall, Nick peeked around the corner, looking back at the barn. No sign of life.  He rounded the house, holding the snowball above his head. Nobody was there.

Foot prints in the snow led around the house, but disappeared suddenly by a window. Curious, Nick quietly walked over and stooped to look at the tracks. Clayton crouched down to inspect the foot prints as will.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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