Pg 3

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"Here we are" he parked his car at a lot and settled back in his seat.
"You said that we could eat anywhere I wanted..." I looked at the restaurant in front of me, and it surely wasn't the restaurant I asked for, which in my case was Rosario's.
"Oh? Did I now?" He simpered to himself as he nodded firmly.
"You are an unfair man.." i rubbed my temples and pulled a face.
"Ms. Dalton, you have no idea how unfair I can be. This is nothing" he smirked and sat back,"now do you mind eating here?"
"You're asking me now? We're already here you dummy" I rolled my eyes and got out the car as he kept his cold stare on me, as I exited the car with a grumpy huff.
He held in a grin as he got out the car, whispering under his breath.
"Dummy, huh?" He made one of his famous low chuckles as he followed me to the restaurant.
Charles was about to open the door for me but I right away, ignored his conquest to be a gentleman and opened it myself.
"No thanks mister elegant, I can do it alone" I stated and entered inside the restaurant. The walls were white, with leather seatings and big windows showing onto the lake view. Well dressed costumers and waiters walking around added to the environment of the rich restaurant.
'This place is a restaurant, why dress so fancy' My mental self slapped me as I looked around some more. 'And considering Im the only one not well dressed' i sighed and Charles looked at me, rising his brow. He had a slight worried look.
"Does this place make you uncomfortable?" You looked at him and rolled your eyes slightly. He seemed like the man who'd be well dressed 24/7.
"Uno, you brought me here. Its your fault I'm not comfortable. Secondly, everyone is so fancy" I made a disgusted face. "This is a restaurant, were just getting breakfast.." he smiled slightly and nodded.
"True" he said simply as a waitress arrived.
She looked at Charles and her face flushed and then looked at me, up and down. Her face crunching up In slight disgust as I scoffed.
Going ahead, she led the way.
" You must be Mr. Anderson? Come with me to your reserved seats.." she smiled warmly at him as she tried to keep a professional stand.
"Wait, your telling me that you had already made reservation without even knowing if I'll agree? So we would of came here no matter what my decision was?"
"Yes," he whispered against my ear as we walked. Making me feel his hot breath against my ear "You wouldn't have much of a choice, plus Louisa agreed for you to go" a ghost smirk played on his lips as he backed up. Though soon we arrived to our seats.
He held out the chair for me as I sat down, then he went to do the same for himself, sitting down comfortably.
"So, Other than feeling uncomfortable, how do you find the place? Does it hit your taste?" He smiled faintly, trying to play nice.
"Mmh, it is pretty impressive" I smiled warmly and he laid his icy grey stare on me. "What is it?" I asked suddenly and he shook his head slightly.
"I just thought that, this was the first time you truly smiled at me" he smiled a kind smile, looking at his menu and then back up at me. His eyes getting smaller but somehow making him look more handsome with the gentle face.
"Its Just that you have forced me a lot and we have barely met. Well...we have but that was long ago.." I nodded simply as he exhaled a deep breath of air, much as a sigh.
"I know...but I have to tell yo-"
"May I take your order?" The waitress looked at Charles like an excited puppy, but of course he didn't notice.
"I'll be taking your sweet crêpes " he smiled warmly and set down his menu, looking at me. "And you, dear?" He said. Making the waitress glare at me. I looked over the menu quickly and nodded.
"Uh, I'll actually just gonna take your simple bacon and eggs. Please " I nodded and closed my menu, as she took his, then mine and leaving gracefully.
"So I see you're a sweet tooth kinda guy" I said amused and he chuckled at my response and grinned a toothy smile.
"I must say I am fond of sweets. Many people find that that I am an important man in society"
The waitress came back with our orders, settling down Charles crêpes. Coated with powdered sugar and light syrup and perfectly placed strawberries. "Oh, a real sweet tooth" I thought to myself, until she placed my plate down.
It was the wrong order...she had handed me the breakfast buffet. Combined with eggs, bacon, potatoes and anything you have at breakfast usually. I sighed softly and shrugged.
"Excuse me m'am, this is not what she ordered for" Charles looked at the waitress as she looked at me quickly.
"Oh sorry, it was my mistake, I'll bring what she wanted" she nods and takes my plate away, "it's wasn't a mistake, I know it" i thought as I looked back at him.
"Oh no Mr. Anderson, it's fine..I don't mind it being the wrong order..." I looked at him as he glared.
"It's her fault for messing up. You should get what you have asked for" he nodded and took a graceful sip of water, settling down gently.
"I'm sorry, but you have to know that you can't get everything you ask for in life..." I tried my best to ignore eye contact with him, but I could hear his low sexy growl from under his breath and I tensed.
"If that's how you take it..." he sat there, not touching his food as kept his eyes on me.
"W..why aren't you eating?" I asked shyly and he looked at his plate and back at me.
"I'm waiting for you to get your plate. I find it unfair that I'm eating and you're not and it's an act of manners and respect. It's how I do things" he smirked, lighting up the mood slightly.

The food had arrived for me and my plate was settled down in front of my figure. I looked longingly at my Eggs and bacon, with perfectly buttered toasts.
Charles exhaled a low chuckle at my childish eyes and I snapped out of it.
"What's so funny Mr. Anderson?" I looked at him with huff.
"Nothing, No worries" he kept an amused smile as he started eating his Crêpes skillfully and I dig into my plate of starvation.

Simple pleasure/ just you and meWhere stories live. Discover now