Chapter 3

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I decided to read the details of the spell I used. And it said that it will make the spirit or demon show itself in a... less scary form? not that he was scary.

"Ah. That's why I have such a weird form." Said bill next to me. He looked, and sounded bored. I sighed. "What do you want bill?" I asked. He smiled.

"I want you and your family to die." He said. I got up, and started to head toward the door. "A bagel it is." I say.

"Aw. Shooting star, I thought you were the fun one." He said. Apparently he's never seen my version of a bagel.

I grabbed a bagel from the bag, and took out cream cheese frosting, brown sugar, and sprinkles. I put all of that on top of the bagel, and handed it to bill. Oh wait! I grabbed the bagel out of bills hands. "I was about to eat that!" He said. "Hush." I said back.

I grabbed a whole thing of strawberries, and dumped that onto the bagel. Than I sprayed some whip cream on it. Then I handed that to him. "Wow." He said, with a deadpan voice.

He took a bite. "Wow shooting star, I figured you would have changed by now. Now I know that that's not true." He took another bite. "You haven't changed a bit." He said with a mouthful of bagel.

"So Mabel, Ford and I are trying to find a way to separate you from bill." Dipper said, coming into the room. I glared at him. "No! If bill was separated from me, he would be free to terrorize everybody!" I said.

"Aw. Shooting star, I thought you were the fun one." Bill said again. I sighed. Then I grabbed a glass of milk, two glasses, turned to bill, and gave him one. "Here's to a LONG friendship." I said with a sigh. Bill didn't do the ting thing.

Instead, he gulped the milk down, and threw the glass at my feet. "Wow bill. I never knew you were two years old." I said, with a deadpan. 

He snorted. "We aren't friends." He said. I laughed. "Of course we aren't! I just meant that, if we're going to be stuck together for a long time, Why make it horrible for ourselves? He laughed this time.

"Oh, I'd prefer to make it horrible...  For you!" He said. I sighed. He's hopeless. "Mabel, are you seriously just going to keep him stuck with you? FOREVER?" He asked.

The thought hits me. If bill will be here forever, I'll never have a semblance of a normal life. He'll try his best to plague my life with problems for the rest of my life. What if when I'm old, and seventy, he throws a glass again? But that time, at my head?

I sighed. "Yes."

Bill laughed. "Shooting star, one day, you're going to get so fed up. That one day, you will have to set me free." He said. I sighed again. "Shut up bill." I said. He cackled.

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