Ask The Hetalia Pairings

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*before I start I know I have other stories to finish but be patient this is acting as a filler so deal with it and yes I'm writing this on a tablet*

Most of the nation's were there at the admins house waiting for the admin to come...

Italy and Romano were sitting on the couch talking and eating tomatoes

Spain and England were talking about how to get England better at cooking

Prussia and Germany were sitting and talking with Japan and Greece about who knows what

France kept trying to flirt with Hungary which caused him a blow to the head with a frying pan "what did I tell yo about flirting with me" Hungary said "yeah and you do know you have a girlfriend right here u know" Seychelles says

Canada and America were eating pancakes at the table talking... or at least America was

China and Russia were talking about cute things. Russia would laugh every time China said hello kitty.

Switzerland was watching his Austrian boyfriend play the piano

Norway kept trying to feed Iceland some licorice and every time he did Iceland soul always chuckle

Finland and Sweden were talking about how Russia took his little doggie.and won't give it.back(I don't know if he did but go with it k :D)

Finally after what seemed like forever the admin finally came...

Admin: finally sorry my sister needed help with something, anyways hi I'm the admin but you call me Natalie. So what this is you can ask specific couples.questions. I don't really have any rules except don't make couples kiss any one.else but there partner got it.

*everyone nods*

Natalie: good *smiles*

America: alright dudes and dudettes please send in questions

*zoo if your otp isn't there im sorry but I wanted incest pairings because there are hardly any out there. But other than that pls send in questions, Thx :D

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