EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HETALIA! ((Thanks So Much 4 Over 1000 Reads You're Awesome))

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Would America and Canada do a rap battle versus China and Japan


Natalie read it and smiled quickly handing it to America who read it aloud and smirked

America: Of course

Canada: Lets do it

Natalie smiled and quickly grabbed 4 mics handing 2 to America and 2 to Japan. Natalie then ran to the center and yelled out

((AN:Sweden was in the living room with Angel but when Natalie was yelling Angel just giggled and played with Sweden's hair))

Natalie: Epic Rap Battles of History!! The Wright Brothers

Natalie motioned towards China and Japan

Natalie: Versus The Mario Brothers

She motions towards America and Canada

Natalie: Begin

Japan and China smirk towards each other and start

China, Japan: We're the Wright Brothers, and there can't be no other.

We don't wanna cause trouble. Are you looking for your lover?

China: Cause your princess is in our castle now!

Japan: Yeah she's gone.

China: We stayed up all night

Japan: Playing Donkey Kong

China: Before us, people only used to fly in balloons!

Japan: You think we're scared of two idiots addicted to shrooms?

China: You shoulda woulda coulda come to lose an extra life!

Japan: So just dudda dudda dudda 

China, Japan: Back down in your pipe!

America: Its-a me, Mario!

Canada: And Luigi, motha *ping*!

America:Why don't you's get back in your biplane and make out with each other?

Canada: Look at these two! Their lives must have been horrible!

America: To dorky dudes 

Canada: Named Wilbur and Orville!

America: You spent all your time on one machine?

Canada: Sheesh!

America: If you wanted to fly, you shoulda just eaten this leaf!

Canada: You should eat something anyway. Look at you so skinny!

America: You might fly like a hawk,

Canada: But you fight like a kitty!

China: We don't to fight.

China, Japan: We're the father's of flight!

Representing North Carolina. Aiiiiight!

Japan: We'll be pressing all your buttons

China, Japan: Like we're the controller.

China: Conquer every level of

China, Japan: Your 2-D scroller!

Japan: You talk a lot of trash, but let me tell you something.

China: We're gonna beat you so fast,

China, Japan: It's like we're holding down the B button!

America: We're serving up an 8-bit fist!

Canada: Made to order!

America: That'll knock you off the back of your own stupid quarters.

America, Canada: Like POW!

Canada: How you like me now?

America: Spit flames out of our mouths 

Canada, America: Like our name was Bowser!

You'll get pummeled!

You'll wish you never stumbled out of your little wind tunnel!

Canada: We've been dropping  ba-bombs since we started this song!

America: Sorry, Wright Brothers.

America, Canada: This time you choose wrong!

Natalie: Who won? Whose next? Epic Rap Battles of History!

Natalie smiled at them

Natalie: Well guys See ya next time also remeber to send in more dares and questions. Bai!

*Hey guys so first off thank you all so much for 1000 reads it makes me so happy that you guys are ((I think)) enjoying it, anywhoozies keep sending in more dares and questions and till next time TTYL*

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