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     I have this weird recurring dream. I will be at a funeral of one of my family members. Then I get sucked into a sewer. I become a half axolotl and mostly amphibious. I get recruited in an axolotl army which usually contains familiar faces. I then will swim to a tree in the sewer. I sleep in it and magically have kids. I have four kids in total each time. If all four survive we loose the upcoming war if  three survive we win but I'm sad. If two survive we loose and if one survives we win and kill the commander out of spite. If none survive we win because I kill the head axolotl of the other army. Last night in the other hand had a weird twist. I lost one of the kids in the current he wasn't dead, but we all thought he was. My daughter turned sour and join the other axolotl army and almost killed us. We were swimming to the commander of the axolotls and it asked me if I wanted to be immortal and that if I ditch my kids I can be. My daughter then burnt him to an axolotl crisp and the we hugged. I turned into a human and my dad and I walk back home and I was just traumatized. I woke up at 12. Am and went back to sleep.
     That's the end of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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