Who will she pick

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Chance's POV

Tessa is in my first class and we sit beside each other. We sat in class talking to each other. Best class yet I found out she changed her look because she was sick of being a nerd. She is smart and beautiful.

Jake's POV

I have math with Tessa and she sits a couple seats down from me. I found her on instagram and started to message her. Here is how it went

Jake: hey Tessa😉😉

Tessa: who is this??

Jake: It's Jake paul

Tessa: Oh what do u want?

Jake: What no hello?

Tessa: Nope

Jake: ok then can I ask you something?

Tessa: sure

Jake: Why did u change from nerd Tessa to pretty Tessa?

Tessa: Do u really want to know?

Jake: yea😁😁😁

Tessa: I changed because of you

Jake: Me? Why?

Tessa: I was sick and tired of you bulling me so I changed.

Jake: Tessa I'm so so sorry I was a jerk. Can u forgive me?

Tessa: Yea Jake I already did😊😊

Jake:Lol thanks Tessa. Can me and the boys sit with u at lunch??

Tessa: Sure I think your friends are hot 😄😄😄😉😉

Jake: oh what about me??

Tessa: your ok lol

Tessa logged off
I'm gonna ask Tessa to be my girl at lunch

Anthony's POV

Wow Jake just texted me and said he got me,him,and Chance seats with Tessa at lunch. That is awesome she is so hot. I'm gonna ask her to be with me.

Chance's POV

Jake told me and Anthony that we all were sitting with Tessa at lunch. Cool I'm gonna ask Tessa to be my girl. The bell for lunch rung. I ran out of class to see the boys there. We walked to lunch and sat with Tessa. Me,Jake,and Anthony all asked her to be our girlfriend at the same time. She said she had an idea. She said that all three of us had a week with her and then at the end of three weeks she would decide who she would be with. It went me,Anthony,and Jake. It was on. May the best win the girl's heart.

Falling For My Bully-Jessa(Jake and Tessa)Where stories live. Discover now