Why I Want Ever After High To End

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Alright, for a while I've been saying I want EAH to end without an explanation.

So, I thought now would be a good opportunity.

So the whole reason I fell I love with EAH is how different it is, it's really easy to make a series about Fairytales in High School, but the way they brought out was so creative with destiny, Giles being abandoned (?), BROOKE IN THE MIRROR, The Evil Queen etc...

But NOW, the merchandise is TRASH. I bought the whole Epic Winter collection (minus the sparklerizer because WHY) and honestly every time I got a doll from it I felt kinda down, the creativity was gone and so was the excitement. It looked like something I'd watch my little cousins play with -.-

Anyways, I honestly REALLY got into Ever After High when I bought a doll, I was in a store and saw the Hat Tastic dolls and kinda wanted one, I told my mom that I just wanted one just to see how it is, I wasn't a person who liked dolls very much. In fact my mom told me she's surprised because I used to think dolls were creepy when I was little.

Now, I'm sitting in front of a display case with about 100 EAH dolls in front of me and 40 underneath me stored under my bed.

I never thought I would be like this at my age, but here I am. And I'm not complaining, when I was little I probably think I would be wearing heels all the time and wearing makeup everyday now. Which I'm honestly not a huge fan of personally 😅

But aside from that, EAH opened up my imagination more, and made me a huge fan of fairytales. I would always look forward to the movies and reread the books I own (Lel only two) but really, I loved the effort and creativity put into it!

After watching Epic Winter I thought it was good and was on hype because of Rose and Daring's kiss. But after a while I rewatched it and realized how much it really sucked... I mean the storyline wasn't very creative.

Two elf things want to take over the world so they curse the Snow King....okay?

Now I know what your thinking, isn't that similar to Way Too Wonderland, so why aren't you pointing out negatives in WTW too?

Well in WTW they have to go through High School there AND Courtly isn't revealed as the villain until halfway into the movie...ish

But after the recent movie I felt like Mattel is just trying to squeeze out the last drop of money they can out of the franchise. And sadly, they took out the creativity. So I'm going to get my main point out. I prefer if EAH ends rather than continues so that they can preserve it for what it is now.

Epic Winter wasn't a total bust, but I don't think the next movie isn't going to be any better. So if you think about it, if EAH continues, we are only going to get worse dolls, cheesy movies, and only be disappointed.

If they finish EAH, its beauty will be preserved.

Wow, what a way to start off a book 😂

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