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Another room. Dimmer lights. 

This room just reminded me of a waiting room at a hospital; cozy, but you know something is going to happen soon. 

I could hear muffled talking behind a wood door on the opposite wall, with a dim ray of light peaking out of the bottom.

I folded my hands on top of a dark black table in front of me, and I fiddled with my fingers, trying to get rid of the agonizing boredom that crept upon me. 

I looked at my hands, suddenly noticing something missing. Didn't I have a wife? Two kids? Where is my wedding ring?

Just as I thought that the wood door swung forcefully open, and out stomped an angry looking man. He was what you would expect from a millionaire boss: fancy suit, graying hair, square chin, and huge. Not height huge, but width huge. 

He slammed his huge, chubby hands upon the other side of the table, and I quickly pulled my hands off it and dropped them  to my sides. 

"How'd you do it? How did you wake up? Why are you here?"

I suddenly, accidentally, dozed off, leaving the rest of his screaming questions fuzzed out of my awareness. I started noticing how much spit was flying out of his mouth. A lot of it was flying onto the table as he pronounced his "th"s and "f"s

"Neal! I want answers!" He slammed his hands forcefully down on the table again.

I was quickly snapped out of my daydreamy state of mind, and the man had my full attention.

He cleared his throat and some of his redness died down. "Let's try that again." He took a deep breath before he started again. "Charles Neal, how did you wake up?" 

"I-I'm not sure." I fiddled my fingers under the table, beginning to get really nervous. That was probably not a good answer, I thought to myself. But it was too late.

"How are you not! Just! UGGH!" The man threw his hands up in the air in frustration, and paced in angry circles. He put his hands on the side of his head and tried to relax. Suddenly, he leaned over the table and he shot me a really creepy smile. A murderous smile. I could tell he was mad. Very mad. 

"So, Neal, what is the farthest you can remember before you fell asleep?" 

"Well, I was talking to my buddy abou-"

"What's his name?"

"Rhett? Yah, I think Rhett. I was talking to him about being cloned, about how we were gonna do it for a video on YouTube. Hey, did it actually happen? And is YouTube still a-"

"SILENCE!" The man's voiced boomed, rumbling all things near him. 

An akward silence ensued.

I pulled out some bacon from my pocket and rubbed it on the man's face. Rubbed Some Bacon On It. ;P

After minutes of silence, I finally spoke up. "Can I just ask you your-"

"That is  it Sherry, I can't deal with this man anymore!" He threw his arms up like before, and stormed behind the wood door into the opposite room.

The woman whom which I walked here with came shuffling out of the room, clearly as scared as I was.

"Neal, come this way." 

I hastily got up and followed her, standing up straight and walking nicely as to not hit any buttons I could accidentally push.

So much walking today.

My feet were killing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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