Chapter 4

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James' POV:

I kicked a stone making it fly into the pond. I was a man deep in thought, and I had a right to be. There was a girl on my mind...

Feeling something vibrate in my coat pocket I pulled my phone out and looked at the caller id; it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I heard." Whispered a females voice.

I squinted for a moment wondering if it was really her. "Mom?" I replied hesitantly.

"Yeah baby, it's me." My nose crinkled with the smile that overcame my face.

Composing myself I answered happily. "I've missed you."

"Is it true? Did you find love?" She asked hopefully but I could tell she missed me too.

"Yeah, I think I did." I said hearing her chuckle into the phone.

"Baby that's great!" I could hear the smile in her voice. It made me happy to know I was making her proud. "Are you with her now?"

"No, I saw her this morning though. I don't want her to get tired of me."

"She won't." She laughed. "See her as much as you can. You should go see her now in fact."

"Okay mom, I will." I complied with a grin.

"Good. Remember your momma loves you!"

"I love you too mom." I said before hearing her hang up.

Even though I was 18 years old there was one rule I learned to never break. It was to honor, respect, and obey your mother. So that's what I did.

Pulling out my phone I went through a million texts until I found the one that had what I needed; the address. As I looked around I realized it was getting dark; I better hurry.

As I walked I frequently referred to a GPS on my phone; man I need my car! The streetlights came on as I reached her driveway. From the neatly mowed lawn to the creaky porch it looked eerily familiar...

All my thoughts got cut off by shouting coming from the house. It was weird to hear that coming from that perfect little house... I guess every family has their own set of problems, not just mine.

I didn't dare walk any closer; though I didn't walk away either. Somehow I felt like I was intruding but I still couldn't leave; at least not until I saw if she was alright. The screams quieted as the front door busted open and out ran a beautiful goddess with flowing blond hair and tears streaming down her face. As soon as she spotted me she ran over and wrapped her arms around me.

"Everything will be okay Bailey." I mumbled into her hair as she sobbed on my shoulder.


"Promise." I whispered before cupping her cheek in my hand and staring into her eyes. She smiled sadly at me before I leaned down to her level and pressed my lips against hers.

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