Here Lies .. the innocent

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June 14, 2017

Alexander sat in math class, tapping his pencil to the beat of the clock that sent the sound of ticking in and out of his head. Alexander couldn't help but think he probably should've studied for this test but the only thing that was on his mind for today was the big game. Today he felt like a lightning bolt struck him in the chest and nothing could stop his momentum, well anything but this test. Ring! Ring! Ring! The bell loudly ran threw his head, Alexander felt distraught. "Okay, pencils down test is now over. " The kids all packed up and ran out the class all but Alexander who got up and staggered out of the class halted by the teacher. "I saw you during the test and you looked out of it, do you need any extra time? " Mr. sanders asked. "Yes, that would help a lot! " Alexander replied. Alexander headed to the cafeteria for lunch on the way there he came across Nelson Fuller picking on some 9th grader. Nelson lifted to boy up and slammed him against the locker maintaining his grip. Alexander stepped up to Nelson and said "I doubt it to be necessary to bash this boy up now do you?" Nelson replied by yelling " you may be a star on the field but here you just like everyone else! " Alexander stepped up closer to him " you may think you can walk around here like big man on campus and that you can do what you want but, just because you're bigger doesn't give you the right." "Well why don't you just do something then?!" Before Alexander could step any closer his hand was grabbed. "don't do this not now, do you want to have to play bench?"a familiar voice said. He turned around and looked saying "You always know how step in at the wrong time.. Allison! " "Well I wouldn't have to step in if you would control yourself. " "This isn' t about me... " Mr. Wilson the school's principal cut him off " well what is it about then huh?" "Well... " Alexander stammered.. " I don't want to hear it both of you separate Grimm you go and get your food, and you Mr. Fuller come with me! Alexander headed down the stairs with Allison and walked into the cafe as soon as he walked into lunch , it suddenly hit him.. today was Allison's birthday. "My, my you look very pretty today, have I ever told you? " Alexander said coyly. "what's going on now? " Allison said. "nothing, but I'll catch up with you later.. I have to go" alexander said running off. Alexander decided that it would be better to "take a break" from school and surprise Allison. alexander headed out of school and walked to a nearby department store, he picked out a few outfits and shoes and went to the checkout line.. "that'll be 400.70$ cash or credit? " the store clerk asked.. "credit" alex said. "who is this for .. must be a lucky person and very important to you" Alex answered by saying "she's important to me but, she's just a friend"...Alex left the store and headed to a bakery and picked up a triple layered-rose red velvet cake. he asked for it to be delivered to her house by 2:45... he left the bakery. Alex then headed to a party store and picked up some decorations for the surprise. Alex headed over to Ali's house with her gifts and the decorations. Alex rang the doorbell. Hey Alex, why aren't you in class? " "well I'm doing a favor for a good friend then I'm going to head back" "is the favor for Allison? is she in trouble? " " I'm here

for Ali, yes but she's not in trouble. I'm here to drop

off her decorations and gifts for her party in going to surprise her with. "

Alexander left after setting up for the party and headed up the ally way upwards school way. he heard distant moaning and grants... it sounded as a sound of struggle. He looked to the left and grabbed a nearby brick wall. He passed through two side buildings.. "I need this l, and you're going to give this to me".. "please stop, no please stop".. "shut up! take what I'm about to give you! " Alexander felt worried, flushed with guilt even. He felt as he should interfere with this crime being perpetuated... he knew he should step in but he felt lost as his body acted quicker than his mind he feet ran towards the call of distress he stood face to back of the head of the assailant.

"Stop! she doesn't want this. " alex commanded. the man turned towards Alex "little man mind your business, if you're know what's good! " Alex stood firmly, not moving an inch" the man ran at Alex. it was like Alex had all the time in the world as he saw the man slower than he actually was. Alex stopped the man in his tracks with his palm, alexander grabbed the man's shirt spun him to the side and flung him like a ragdoll, (whoosh) like a piece of brick he hit the wall and his head drooped, and tilted to the side. The girl stood there looking on at Alex.. shivering, not being able to explain to happen Alex walked towards the body and put his hand on the guy's neck... no pulse was there. Alex didn't know whether to run or to stay and check on the girl. (police sirens) "Freeze!" Alexander put his hands above his head. "MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER! " a second male yelled pointing towards Alex. "detective smith chuckled looks like daddy's going to have a hard time getting you out of this one!" (chuckling). Alex stared blank at the wall.

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