chaper 1: mike meets the hotte 😍😍😍

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mike Wazowski was a simple pea livin simple. dreams. Makin good $$$$$ so he can pay the bills to live in his sexy building with his desu can bff for life, suLLivan 😍😍😍😍😍. howeva, lil did he kn0w, he'd meet the kawaiiest boi in the whoLE WORLD!!!!1 @ his job that mornin.

it all stabed when mike was a sleepin oin his matress. he was dreamin a🅱out tentacle hentai 'XD but then hus alram clock when offf "what a kawaii morning! said mike as he hooped out of his bed".

mike waked down the stairs were sully was watcging ammine of there tv. "Gm mine" saas sul e "gm sauce" said mike "i gtg to w0rk, but i'll ttyl!111 XD" "okay, exks dee" sully said ass he waved to mike whom'stve was walking out the door.

mike got in his car and drove to starbucks, to grt his daylee coffee. he parked & then he wen inside. He went up to the lady working at the registur. "yo, my man welcome to $tarbuck, wut you wan." uh said mime "i wanna u n i c o r n f r a p p e said mike. "we all out tho" the really old woman coughed. "darn." said mike as he walked out of spacecash and back to his car & off to his work. "i h8 old people." mike said too himself. what a tsundere!!111 XDDDD

mike was finally at his work. "look mike," said his bodss "i need you two go in this door and get scream fuel." said his boss. "I've literally been working here for 16 years, I know what I'm supposed to do, you braindead cucumber." mike $aid. "okay my man
i'll leaf u too it." "k bai." said myke.

mike went in the door. leaving it open a lilttle bit. he went in the room, and saw,,,..... him. she had hair like jimmy nutrin but it was yellow. he was realle pale, but it was sexe. he was p tall but he was like seven years old anyways. "how,,,, kawaii!" mike scream! however, he forgot that he was asleep, and then. he woke up. 😱😱😱😱

did mike really wake up his cru sh??? find out, bext chapter!!!11!1!1

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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