She did it too...

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She was tall, skinny, well built with blonde hair
and blue eyes
I was short, fat, ugly with short hair and
very boring brown eyes

She liked fashion and when the cameramen said
She had lot friends
but I... I was very lonely
And when around me no one was friendly

All they needed to see was what I was wearing to have enough information to judge me
They didn't even want to know me
Nor even talk to me

They all did it so she did it too but me...
Me and her we weren't that different
It was just that I had more confidence to be myself around people than she did

She didn't really like fashion
She hated it with a passion
But they all liked it so she liked it too
They all hated me so she hated me too

      By: Ange Marseille❤

Bullying is not right. We'd think after all those people affected by bullying, that it would no longer exist but no, it's sadly still here.😢
Please say something, if you ever witness bullying.
Tell an adult, (parents, teachers etc...) a friend or any body that you trust will do something about it. For the sake of the victims, their family and friends.❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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