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"Shot the bathroom!" Said Cara running for her bladder's sake.

"Going going, just let me unlock the door." Said Sara, who didn't found the house keys'

"Okay, you know I don't even need to go that bad." sarcastically said Cara.

"Guys I found this keys on the driveway, do you know who's it?" Said Meghan. She mustn't have heard all the screaming and desperate callings of her friends.

"Um, it might be the ones Sara and I have been desperately looking for but, I don't know it might me the neighbors key even though it was on our driveway." Cara responded

"Cara, don't be rude to Meghan, she just found the key to happiness for you and your bladder." Live told.

When they opened the door, the house was completely clean and in order, it was huge. It had enormous windows and a really nice living room, the kitchen was spacious and there was an island in the middle of it, there were 4 bedrooms: which meant that two girls had to share the room were the double beds were. In the back of the house was a big pool along with beach chairs, a round table, and a grill.

Cara literally ran to the bathroom, Sara, Kaari, Live and Meghan took their luggage from the car to the house, finally the girls took a time to recover their breaths.

Kaari said: "guys, we have to unpack everything. Plus shop things we are missing and set it in order. "

Live and Meghan groaned

"I have an idea." Said Sara happily, she added: "how about we split the chores and that way we'll finish sooner."

"Good idea Sar, mmm, we should do it like this: Cara and I unpack all our clothes and put it in the wardrobe. Meanwhile Sara can put our towels on the beach chairs and prepare things for the pool and the stereo. While Kaari and Meghan go grocery shopping for the things we need like chips and soda, shampoo and sunscreen, etc."

The three girls answered with a "Fuck yeah!"

The clock showed 3 pm so they had to be home and ready by 4.

Live, Kaari, Meghan and Sara splinted up and went to do their chores.

Suddenly, Cara came out of the bathroom without a clue of were her friends were. She said: "hello? I think you left without me, again.. this reminds me of that trip to Costa Rica."

Live popped her head out of one of their rooms and told Cara "Why are you speaking alone? We agreed minutes ago to divide the things we had to do so that we could finish quickly. Come help me unpack this suitcases."

"Oh, okay."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Do I drive or do you want to drive?" Kaari asked Meghan

"You drive, we won't run over anyone with your granny driving."

"Hey! I don't drive that slow." Kaari said defending her driving skills.

"We'll see Kar."

Meghan and Kaari got on Live's Range Rover.

When they got to the grocery store, they had an objective: to not pay for the parking ticket; so they had to be quick. The parking lot had a tolerance of 40 minutes, if you exceeded it you had to pay. The girls tried to hurry up and put all the things that were needed in the cart.

They were now paying and they still got 10 minutes. When Kaari and Meghan got in the car they high-fived and hurried to not pay the ticket.

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Sara took her Dr. Dre speaker and plugged her iPhone in, she put her favorite playlist and selected random; the song that was picked was one of her latest drops, oh did I forgot to tell you she was a DJ? She has made colabs with famous like David Guetta and The Chainsmokers.

She was dancing to the sick drop while putting the towels in the chairs and carrying different balls from different sports such as soccer, volleyball and basketball. Water guns because who didn't like to play with it?

A voice was heard by Sara. It came from the other side of the bushes that divided Live's house from the neighbors. Sara's curiosity made her stepped closer to hear what the people living next door where talking about.

"Dude! Pass me the aux, I want to put good music unlike our neighbors." Said a voice that Sara thought belonged to a guy.

She thought: -my music isn't bad, your taste is.-

Another guy said "Hey, it isn't that bad, it's actually a song I haven't heard before. But if you want the aux it's on Miralem's room."

The guy that had criticized Sara's single, was supposedly gone to get the cable jack from the house.

A different voice was heard this time: "guys, I think someone is peeping to our conversation."

"Why do you say that?" Another voice said

"Because I can see a silhouette. It looks like a girl."

Merde, thought Sara

"I'm coming Live." Sara yelled and entered the house quickly.

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