Chapter One:

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''Really I can explain.....just give me  a moment'' I said as I tried to think of a good excuse without giving away my huge master plan that I've been working on for the past 2 weeks. God Dammit this is supposed to last 2 months and I'm already caught!? 

Maybe I can run? Just sprint away from this kid, ugh but i'm way too lazy for that. 

''My name is Grace and...and umm I like your t-shirt'' I said pointing to his dinosaur top, I wasn't actually even lying, it was pretty cool with a 3D effect and everything.

''I'm Zak, thanks but I don't know you, let me just get my brother. Cole come here!''

Oh god, why did I even try? How pathetic of me, got caught by a child! My plan is over, I turned around trying to escape. Making my way downtown walking fast and I started to run. Right into a wall.

''What the-'' Okay forget it it's not a wall, I raised my head to be faced with the man himself-Cole.


The thing with Cole is that he's basically photo-shopped. Perfectly shabby brown hair, blue eyes, sculptured face, natural tan and the casual but still sexy style. I even heard rumours that he's super muscular. I hate him.

Rolling his eyes at me, Cole side stepped around me to face his brother ''what do you want, I told you to just chill in your room just one night'' he said , slightly annoyed.

'arguing? perfect' I whispered to myself right before sprinting away before confrontation. 

''I'm sorry but I got bored I was just going back to my room but then I saw this girl she was hiding and staring at everyone and it looked fun so I wanted to join in and now- Look shes running away! You ruined it'' the boy said quickly with not as much annoyance but disappointment in his tone.

''Wait what? What girl?'' Cole said looking behind him and seeing no one

''You just bumped into her, how could you not notice her?!'' Zak yelled pointing in the direction Grace ran.

''Come on kid you're imagining stuff, go to your room'' shaking his head Cole ruffled his brothers hair and went back to the party.

_-_-_-_-_-_-_- {these things show change of scene okay? I'm not sure how to do this but yeah/A.N}

''You fool!'' I screamed to myself in the mirror, good job I didn't loose my green hat otherwise everyone would know it was me. You know it just so happens my hair is bright orange and is long so this hat is all I have. Don't get me wrong I dyed it and I love it but-

Ugh effort.

I honestly hope Zak forgets this little incident. Looking at the time it's already 20 past midnight, I guess I should get to sleep. 

Tomorrow begins the next stage of the master plan. 


sorry this is super short :/ but the next chapter will be longer! Thanks for reading! any ideas on what this should be called? and what cover to use? :P 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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