the proposal

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Emily pov

I started to wake up I opened my eyes  I looked up to see spencer staring down at me

"good morning beautiful "

" good morning spencer"

I snuggled in closer to reid as he planted a kiss on my head

" Emily I was thinking maybe we could go to dinner next week" reid asked nervously

" I would love to " I saw tucking my head into his neck trying to cuddle

" Reid it is freezing in here "

" maybe we should go to the room and not on the couch " Reid smiled

I got up off the couch and reid followed me to the room

I layed on the bed  and spencer  started to take off his shirt and his pants "

he layed by my side  he held on to my waist and we where a it for the rest of the night


we stayed in bed  all day just keeping each other company  intill it hit 7: 30 we got up and started getting ready to go to  we were about to leave when spencer told me to go out to the car because he forgot something .

I head to the car and right  after I got in the car reid opened the door  and we headed to the  restraunt

we sat at our table we where there for about  2 hours when we finished our food we just sat at the table

when all the sudden spencer got out of his seat took a little black box from his pocket he got down on one knee in front of me

I was shocked .

" Emily I know we have only been together for a little over a year now but in that time I have realized that I cant live  without you , Emily I am crazy in love with you  and now I would like to ask   Emily Prentiss will you marry me?

I was speechless I put my hand over my mouth

" Emily your scaring me '

" YESS!!! OMG SPENCER " I say practically jumping at him

he took my hand and slipped the ring on it

everyone in the restraunt started clapping

" do you want to get out of here "

yes I want to spend time with my fiancé

reid smiled

we headed home and once again I was comforted by the warmth of my fiancés embrace

my life is your life ( reidniss fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now