Granola Bars and Donald Trump

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I never really understood why teenage girls are so obsessed with boys. It's like every five seconds I hear "Oh my god he is really cute." That's not even the saddest part honestly. The saddest is when you knew he was a player ,but stupid you decided to still give him a chance anyway because of his looks. Then he starts cheating on you and you end up with a problem such as this:

I awake from my sleep at four in the morning to the sound of "Stressed out" by twenty-one pilots.

I lift up from the bed quickly and grab this awful device of my wooden nightstand.

Of fucking course I see Miranda's profile picture and click the answer button. Does she realize in the west coast we are still sleeping?"

"What do you want?" I say grouchily.

"That bastard was ki----ssing his ex-girlfriend." She said between sobs.

I yawn unaffected by her mood. Of course to get my attention she starts sobbing louder.

Isn't my life just so perfect?

"Listen Meghan, you saw this coming I mean he has cheated on multiple girls before you so I don't understand why you actually thought this would be different. You are a strong independent woman. You don't need a man to satisfy y---"

"For once can you turn your feminist mode off I mean seriously. This is not the time," She states angrily.

These are the times I wonder why we are Best friends. I mean we were so different in so many ways yet, she was the only friend they stayed being my friend through all my moves. Heck, I haven't seen her since 1st grade ,but we were tighter than the skirts teenage girls wear nowdays. Out of my now twenty moves, my favorite move by far was when I moved to Nashville and met my best friend Meghan Elise Mckaig.

I smile widely as I think of that amazing moment, but in less than five seconds the voice of someone's constant crying interupts my pleasant thoughts.

"I really thought he loved me and cared for me,"she moans.

"Well, he didn't so just move on."

Shit! That came out really heartless.

"Tiara, don't you think I am trying. I mean I loved him. He devoted his time to me, treated me with respect, and made me feel better when nobody else could."

"You do realize you were only dating him for a week and-----" She cuts me off.

"That week felt like we have known and loved each other for years."

God. This girl's parents really got to stop letting her read these romance novels and hit her in the face with reality, but that's my job anyway.

"Listen, Meghan you don't need this asshole in your life. You are one of the smartest, kindest, loving people I have ever met, so don't let your happiness be ruined because some idiot decided to do that cheating shit on you. Got it?"

I hear nothing but sniffles from the other line.


"Thanks Tiara you are a great friend I don't know what I would..."

My eyes shut close and I'm suddenly surrounded by a pool of darkness.

I wake up the next day spread all over the blow up bed with every part of my body feeling numb. I lift my head up to see my phone on my chest and turn it on.

Shoot! It's freaking nine thirty in the morning. I overslept about two hours.

I jump out of the bed and grab my usual clothes. A oversized sweatshirt and some sweatpants and throw them on quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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