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It was now lunch and the three girls were sitting together eating their plain old boring flavorless food and discussing what they are going to do after school. Time skip to the last period of the day, math and out of the three only one of them was enjoying the subject Josie. Whereas Anna and Alexandra was drawing away in their math books. The last bell of the day rang signalling that school was over for the day,

"Hey do you guys want to come over to my house?" Anna asked the two girls

"Hell yes!" they both said at the same time

"Hey! If Frank and Gerard are home maybe I could introduce you" Anna said to them

"Yes please" They both said

"Let's go" and the three headed off to Anna's house when they got their Anna noticed that Gerard and Franks cars were in the driveway,

"Great! There not in the studio" Said Anna happily, as they got up to the door Anna reminded them to mentally prepare themselves for when they meet them.

"Frank, Gerard I'm home and I bought friends!" Anna yelled hopefully loud enough for them to hear. The three girls heard the two running toward the stairs so they could meet Anna's friends, as Alexandra and Josie saw Frank and Gerard their idols they were stunned with amazement of how real it actually was. One of the two grown man had short red hair and the other had short jet black hair.

"Hi I'm Gerard, but I guess you already knew that didn't you" said the man with red hair,

"And I'm Frank, but I guess you already knew that as well" Said the man with short jet back hair.

"Frank, Gerard, this is Josie" Anna said pointing to the one with jet black hair,

"And this is Alexandra" She said pointing to the one with brown hair,

"It's so nice to finally meet you" said Josie

"Yeah really nice" said Alexandra

A few photos and four autographs later the three girls went up to Anna's room to hang out and doing their homework which none of them got finished.

"It's getting late I think I should go" said Josie "I'll text you later though"

"Same I think I should be going to" said Alexandra "I'll text the both of you"

Psycho and her friendsWhere stories live. Discover now