Almost the end

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I heard a knock on my door and when I opened it I saw Ayo with a will you forgive me face, I don't because he has another bitch I ain't gonna forgive him because I been hurt by him before I won't get hurt anymore. That was his last chance and he put me through hell

Ayleo : Please can we talk
Christina : What's there to talk about
Ayleo : Us
Christina : Nope she's yours officially
Ayleo : Christina
Christina : No you cursed me out and to find out your with her I don't want you anymore
Ayleo : I need another chance
Christina : How many more do I have to give you, cause I gave you a lot and all I been getting from you is no love but cheating, I don't need you and I don't want you. Treat her right
Ayleo : She isn't the one I want, your the one
Christina : Please leave and we can settle this in a divorce
Christina : bye Ayo

Im done with him, and besides I'm dating Michael now I'm over Ayo and Ayo needs to get over me, Michael understands me in every aspect he has been through the same thing as me. Couldn't let go of that special lover, Feeling that they can change but didn't, Believing in the lies they tell you. Yep he has been where I am and was then, but now I got Michael and let me tell y'all he's a great father figure... He's sweet to them, He plays with them like there his own kids, He takes good care of them. Compare to Ayo has he really taken care of them, Has he ever played with them, Has he actually have the time and day to actually take them out for an hour and spend more time with them... Didn't think so, He hasn't worked for quite sometime when he met his new bitch where was he then. Speaking of which he still tryna win me back when I told him he gotta gf and that's how life works, He gets to come over and see his kids since he hasn't seen them for a few months. Michael doesn't seem to mind but I mind cause you don't really know what's going to happen really, and Ayo hates Michael

Christina : Michael I think Ayo here
Michael : I got you bae *Opens door* Hi
Ayleo : Hey can I come in
Michael : Of course
Ayleo : Hey kids what's up
Tallahn : Nothing
Ayleo : Where mommy at
Dominick : Kitchen
Ayleo : *Goes to the kitchen* Hey Christina
Christina : Hi *Looks away*
Ayleo : So what's up with you lately
Christina : Nothing
Ayleo : That sounds boring
Christina : Yup
Ayleo : Listen Christina I'm sorry ok
Christina : Not forgiving
Ayleo : I bet he does the same thing
Christina : No he doesn't, he actually has been in the same position as me, He loves the kids, He gives me space when I need it, He makes time for me and the kids. I think he's the one for me, he doesn't cheat I do check his phone and he checks mine. We were meant to be weather you don't like him or not he cares about me, he definitely cares for the kids that you started sad to say you aren't ready for kids
Ayleo : Yes I am, I love you Christina and I still do. I won't let you go over silly little things we do. You know you love me deep down inside, it's just somewhere. Christina we can start over and forget the whole thing
Christina : Nope I ain't turning back and I will never turn back again. I'm happy where I am today he's the one that I need in my life
Ayleo : You don't mean that
Christina : Oh but I do mean it, he has respect for himself and respect for me and the kids, you cheat and all I do is forgive and forgive and forgive but you still do the same shit over. I just can't ok your only here for the kids that's it you have a girlfriend and you need her.
Tallahn : Mommy can we go to the park
Christina : Ask daddy if you can go
Dominick : Which one
Christina : Ayo and Michael
Tallahn : I'm ask Michael
Dominick : Daddy can we go
Ayleo : Yes we may go
Michael : Babe so me and Ayo going to the park
Christina : Yes
Michael : I'll grab the baby
Christina : Ok
Michael : Love you *Kisses her*
Christina : Love you to
Ayleo : *Looks sadden* YALL ready to go
Tallahn : Yes I'm ready
Ayleo : Ight

As they left I began to be in my thoughts like why does he want me back, and why does he think I should take him back, as I was deepening in my thought my door bell ring and immediately snapped out of my thoughts to open the door to... not the person I should see, not other then JILLY!!!

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