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     Hello! My name is Emily Sutton(not in real life), some of you may know my famous big brother, Chance. He's part of Team Ten. So are his best friends, Anthony and Jake. Sometimes it feels like I have three brothers, instead of just one. My bestie is Tessa Brooks, also a part of Team Ten. They have been so busy with their own lives, that I barely see them, even though I live 20 minutes away. So, I invited them over to spend two weeks at my ranch. I own a big ranch called Second Chances. I have horses, cattle, ducks, goats, cats, bunnies, pigs, and dogs. It's 50 acres and has three barns, 18 pastures, 2 coops, guest cottages for both employees and guests, and finally, a huge farmhouse. Tessa, Jake, the Martinez Twins, Chance, and Anthony were coming!  They are some of my favorite people! I decided to set up their rooms. I already had a room for Chance and Anthony made up for when they would come to visit. The same went for Tessa, and of course, Jake had his room too.My house is 4 stories. It has an attic, a basement, and then 2 normal levels. I knew that my guests were coming on Monday, which was 2 days away! I didn't have much time. I picked a room for the Martinez twins. It had light blue walls with 2 beds in it. They both had red blankets on them with red pillows that had black velvet trimming. So did the blankets. The room also had 2 oak dressers and a closet. It had an ajoining bathroom . I wrote on the chalkboard sign on the outside of the door, "Martinez Twins" . I made sure Tessa's room was clean. She had light yellow walls with a big picture of us hanging on the wall. Her bed had a pastel pink quilt on it. In her room was an oak dresser and walk in closet. I made sure her sign still said Tessa's room. I then checked on Jake's room.  He has light blue walls with a picture of Chance, Anthony, and him when we were in Ohio. He has a green camo quilt with matching sheets and pillows. I put a Jake Paul blanket on the end of his bed. He has a cherry oak dresser, with a small walk in closet. His bathroom was connected to Chance and Anthony's room. His sign still said Jake's Room. Finally, I checked in on Chance and Anthony's room. They had 2 pictures in their room. One of the three of us and one of the two of them. They had bunk beds in their room. They each had camo quilts and Jake Paul blankets on their beds. They had a pine dresser. Their bathroom was connected to Jake's room. They had a small walk in closet. I decided that everything in the house was in order. I went out to the stables. I was met with the sweet scent of hay and soft nickers from my horses. Today was too hot for them to be in the pasture so they were in their stalls. I couldn't wait to see my brother, bestie, adopted brothers, and the Martinez twins.

It gets better, trust me!

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