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"I understand, but there's nothing we can do about that now," Amadi Pan calmly retaliates against the fairy queen. Her anger glows around her in a deep, scarlet aura. Fairies along the edges in their tiny seats flutter nervously, some glowing like the queen, others clearly wanting to leave. 

"You have waited far too long in choosing the next Pan. We must search immediately. If you can't choose in the next few days we might as well not choose at all," she snaps. Her voice echoes throughout the hollowed out tree. Rising from her throne, her eyes burn into his skull. 

"I understand, but I'm still alive. Neverland isn't without a guardian," Amadi explains. 

"You won't be alive for much longer. Neverland grants youth and prolongs your life, but it doesn't make you immortal, Pamadi Pan," The queen retaliates.

"Look, Pamadi is right. There's no use in arguing now," a little fairy speaks up. She is beautiful young fairy, with blonde hair and a green dress. She is just as red as the queen. "We might as well not choose... that's madness. We must search, but you are keeping us here to lecture." If the queen was angry before, it was nothing compared to the feeling emanating off her body.

"Tinkerbell, I'm only saying we wouldn't be having this problem if Pamadi would have heeded my advice."

"Yes, ma'am. Let's go search before it's too late." Amadi stands. The fairies are ready and rise along with him. As if by magic, his feet gently leave the ground. "Group one takes Africa, group two northern Asia," a few groans are met with that one, "group three south-western Asia, group four south-eastern Asia. Group five, you'll be with me in Europe." With that, he flew out the tree to the open sky, towards England. 

"How are you planning on finding the next Pan?" Tinkerbell calls out through the wind. 

"I don't know. I'll know him when I see him," He calls back. He takes a nose dive towards a workhouse, Tinkerbell close behind. Looking in, hundreds of boys are huddled together, on top of each other, and crammed into one room. 

The broken window's hole is barely large enough for Amadi to fit through. He floats over the boys, observing each one. The dirt and grim all over their faces signifying the torture of the workhouse. One kid's black and blue face stands as a reminder of punishment to those who broke the rules. 

"I don't see anyone," He eventually says. "Next one." He flies out the same way he came in with Tinkerbell. They hop from one workhouse to another. Hundreds of other fairies fly all around the world, in hopes to find someone who could be the new Pan. The last workhouse in the area stands on the edge of town.   

"Last one.," Amadi announces before descending through a hole in the roof. Tinkerbell follows and zooms over many of the boys illuminating their faces. Amadi freezes when he looks at one boy in particular. "Tinkerbell, come here." She follows suit, and they float over him. 

"What about him?" Tinkerbell sneers, and she starts to leave.

"No. I want to stay here for a bit. I think we found the next Pan." Amadi smiles and finds a spot to sit down. "You go tell the other fairies to keep searching. I'm going to watch for a bit."

"Ummm...are you going to hide? You don't exactly fit in among the British." Tinkerbell waves her hand up and down at him, referencing his dark, bronze skin.

"What? You don't like my skin tone?" he teases. "I'll be well hidden before the bell rings." Tinkerbell takes off, while Amadi heads back towards the boy. He chuckles to himself, while he hovers over the boy's head. 

"Wonder what you are made of, young one." He pauses while he settles down near him, hidden in a small spot between the wall and the roof. "Hopefully, something of magic." 

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