Chapter 3: Mermaid Lagoon

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"Over there is the Cannibal Cove, it's where Tinkerbell and the other fairies find lost things." Amadi points to the giant circle of water that cut into Neverland. 

"Cannibal Cove?" Peter questions, looking a little nervous. 

"There's no cannibals. I think it's someone's idea of a joke. No one's changed it." Amadi guides Peter further along the coast. Peter's flying has improved the past few days. Amadi has only been able to show little bits of Neverland until Peter could handle being able to fly across the whole island. The most he's seen is Pixie Hollow, which is hardly any distance from the cave Amadi lives in.

"And, over there is Mermaid Lagoon." Before Amadi could stop him, Peter rushed down to see the mermaids. Peter hopped down on one of the rocks, staying out of sight. 

"Peter, what have I told you about darting off on me," Amadi scolds. 

"There are really mermaids." Peter's eye grow wide, staring at these creatures. A song rises from them, all eight in perfect harmony. Peter doesn't recognize the words, but the sound is beyond beautiful. 

"Peter, I should warn you. The mermaids are a little..." Peter isn't listening. He wanders down over towards the mermaids, gliding over the water. They don't notice him at first, but quickly take interest. 

"Well, who's this little child," one sneered.

"Lost your, mommy?" Another crowed, she splashes Peter with her tail.

"No, I..." Peter is a little lost for words. They aren't very nice. 

"Hello, ladies." Amadi calls, jumping on the rocks. 

"Amadi!" One coos, and the others join in, gathering around him.

"Easy girls, easy." Amadi laughs. "I hope you weren't being rude to my friend."  

"Of course not, we were just wondering if he got lost. It's dangerous to be wandering alone." The one with a turquoise tail flirts, she's the one who first sneered at Peter. 

"Where's the little fairy who follows you like a sick puppy?" A mermaid with an orange tail jeers. 

"Andela, that's very rude, and she's not here. I'm actually showing, Peter around Neverland." Amadi gestures to Peter.

"Well, that's no fun. You told me you would play a song for us." The turquoise one complains, flipping her tail around in the shallow waters. 

"Stellitina, I have many other things to do. Another time." Amadi tries to explain, but the girls aren't having it. 

"Is it because of him." The youngest cries, flying into the water, her silver tail disappearing. There is a moment of silence before she reappears, and slaps Peter with her tail. Peter nearly falls into the water, he trashes in the air. The other mermaids are about to join in, but Peter manages to fly up, barely out of their reach. They cry out in anger.

"Enough girls." They pay no heed. Amadi whistles, demanding their attention. "If you continue to act this way, I'll never play another song."

"But, Amadi." The silver one whines, she swims over to him, her best pouting face on.

"No buts, Cassteline." Amadi sits on the rock. When the mermaids gather around him, it's like he's on a stage for the most dangerous audience Peter has ever seen. Peter expects Amadi to sing, instead, he pulls out these reed pipes, tied together by thin rope. 

He gently blows on the pipes, and a beautiful song fills the lagoon. Peter forgets his fear, and settles down on a rock near the mermaids. The mermaids sway, none making a sound. Once the song ends, the mermaids giggle with glee. 

"That was beautiful, Amadi." Andela goes and does a flip in the water, to show her thanks. The other mermaids follow suit. Amadi bows. 

"My pleasure, you know I love performing for my favorite mermaids." This causes them to giggle some more, whispering to each other. 

"Won't you join for a game of rainbow bubble?" This time the mermaid with the purple tail pipes up.

"Sorry, Violettsni, I must be off. I have many things to teach Peter." Peter quickly joins Amadi, out of the mermaid's reach. 

"Awwwww, come again soon, okay?" Cassteline swims closer and waves goodbye. Peter and Amadi fly off until mermaid lagoon is out of sight. They land on a ledge near a waterfall. 

"Well, not what I expected when I thought mermaid," Peter blurts out.

"I tried to warn you. First rule, don't dart off on your own." Amadi shakes his head, then leans back against the rock. "Secondly, the mermaids aren't nice, unless you can play these." He tosses the pipes over to Peter.

"These?" Skeptically, Peter inspects the pipes. 

"Yes, the mermaids...they have their own version of fun. They can be flirtatious one minute and cruel the next. You learn to play those, flirt with them a little, they'll be the kindest creatures you will ever meet." 

"So, I play these, and they will be nice to me?" 

"Yes, Peter. Just make sure you can play them well first. Another thing," Amadi lowers his voice. "Don't ever go near Mermaid Lagoon at night."  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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