Ch 1: Intro

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"You're a piece of shit." my boyfriend of 4 years yelled as he hit me in the face. I just laid on the floor crying in pain, holding my stomach and the side of my face. This has been going on for about 2 years already. I have to leave, no I need to leave, I needed to get away from the relationship I thought was so perfect. Boy was I wrong. So wrong. Just a few more hits and it'll be over for today then Isaac leaves for work.

After a few more kicks and punches Isaac left for work. I carefully got up and started packing my belongings. I had 2 big suitcases and 2 small duffel bags. I put my bags downstairs by the front door and got my cat's stuff packed. Once I had everything packed I made my way outside to put my bags in the trunk of my car. I went back inside to grab my cat and I got in my car and left the place and man I hated the most. Finally, I was free.


Here's a back story of how it all started. 4 years ago, I left 2 hours away from my hometown of Scranton to start my freshman year of college at Pennsylvania State University. I left the only "family" I had left and that was long term childhood best friend Chris Cerulli. He was starting a band when I was getting ready to leave. Anyways I was majoring in nursing and minoring in photography. I had moved into my dorm room and met this guy, Isaac, who lived across from me. He was super nice, and we hit it off pretty quickly.

We starting dating about halfway into the first year. We were great for the first 3 years until we found out that I was pregnant with his baby. We both were happy until I had a miscarriage. That's when all the abuse started. I told Chris about the miscarriage but not about the abuse.

I still had another year of school left. I was almost done plus I was in the honors program, I had a 3.8 GPA. I didn't want to give up now, so I tried my best during school despite everything that was going on.

6 months later, I only had half a semester left when I got hospitalized because Isaac beat me badly. My roommate who was also my best friend, Sariah found me and took me. I had 2 broken ribs and a broken arm. Then Isaac graduated early which I was thankful for. I hardly left my dorm unless I was with Sariah.

Then came graduation, I was ranked number 1 in my class and had a perfect 4.0 GPA. I met Sariah's family that day and I gotta admit, her cousin was pretty hot, even though I don't remember what his name was, but I kept that to myself hehe. I moved back to Scranton as soon as possible and lived alone for a few months until Isaac found me.

He was nicer than before and I guess that's what made me stay still. Then one night he got drunk and beat me again. It went on for a couple of months before I finally had enough. And that leads up to today, the day I left Isaac.


I drove down the familiar street I knew all too well. I pulled up to my best friend's house, grabbed my cat and knocked on his door. "Em, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Chris pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I just cried in his chest.

He brought me and my cat inside the house "sorry, em, my band is here I was going to call and see if you wanted to meet them but you're one step ahead of me" Chris scratched the back of his neck. "It's okay, um c-can I talk to you a-alone p-please?" I asked still crying. "Yeah let's go upstairs" I suggested. I put my cat down and walked upstairs to Chris's room.

I sat on his bed and continued sobbing. "Okay Em, now tell me what's wrong" Chris put his hands on my shoulders. I took a deep breath and said "Isaac beat me up" I looked down at my shoes. I felt Chris's hands drop from my shoulders, "He what! Emarie how long has this been going on?" He raised his voice tears starting to form.

"S-since the m-miscarriage" I sobbed. Chris hugged me again "why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly. I shrugged "can I stay here until I can get my shit together" I gave him the signature puppy eyes. "Of course you can, you can live here permanently and I wouldn't care" he laughed.

"Now go introduce me to the other famous members of Motionless In White" I smiled and wiped my eyes then got up from Chris's bed. "You've heard of us" Chris sounded excited. I smiled, "of course I've heard my best friend's band". We walked downstairs and into the living room where I came to face 5 beautiful men sitting on the couch playing video games.

"Hey fuck heads I want you guys to meet someone" Chris stood in front of the TV. The game was paused and Chris motioned me to where he was standing. "This is my best friend Emarie or you can call her Em. Em this is Vinny, Devin but you can call him Ghost, Josh but everyone calls him Balz, this is Ricky and lastly, this is Ryan." They all said hi and waved. The boys turned off the game and I sat down next to Ryan because that was the only empty spot on the couch.

"So Emarie, tell us a little about yourself?" Balz asked. "Well, I just graduated from Penn State. I have a nursing and photography degree. Chris is the only" family "I have left. And I'm 23, I turn 24 in a couple of weeks" I smiled.

"She also graduated number 1 in her class." Ryan pointed out. I looked at him confused. "Wow Penn State and top of your class, that's amazing congrats" Ricky smiled at me. "Ryan, how do you know about that?" Chris asked. "My cousin just graduated from Penn State too, her and Emarie are best friends."

Chris just nodded his head. "Hey em why'd you come in crying?" Vinny questioned. I tensed up and tried to hold in my tears "uh ... I came into a problem before I got here". "Is that why you have bruises on your wrists?" Vin gave me a sympathetic look. I looked down at my wrists and pulled my sleeves down and wiped my eyes before tears fell. "Can we do or talk about something else please"

Ryan put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. I blushed and cuddled into him unintentionally. "You guys can finish playing games if you want I don't mind" I chuckled and picked up my cat from the floor. "Oh my god your cat is so cute" Ricky yelled. "Wanna hold her?" I asked. Ricky nodded and I got up gave him my cat.

"Hey, Chris can you help me get my stuff from my car please?" I asked. "Sure let's go" he got up and we walked outside to get my bags from my trunk. "You know I think Ryan likes you" Chris wiggled his perfectly drawn on eyebrows. I laughed as I closed the trunk and began walking up the driveway "I highly doubt that Chris he was probably just being nice". I opened the front door and walked back inside "whatever you say em" Chris chuckled and we walked upstairs to my "room".

We put my bags on the floor and walked back downstairs. "Hey, you guys hungry I'm gonna order food?" Chris asked the guys. They all replied with 'yeah' and 'sure' and focused back on the game. "Hey Chris I'm just gonna go to sleep, my body hurts and I want to sleep." I went to hug him and went upstairs. "Night em" I've yelled to me from downstairs. I closed my door and went to my suitcase and pulled out my PJs. I changed, put my phone on the charger and laid on my bed and just let sleep take over me.

Hi everyone !! I've decided to do a Ryan story along with the Ricky one I started. I hope you enjoy this VERY long first chapter. 💕

Sinematic (Ryan Sitkowski ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt