Part 4: Ch.1

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Hetalia x Witch!Reader

When They Cry

Part 4- Truth Arc

Ch.1- Elna

I am a witch.

I know I've been known to mess around or joke with people about that fact... but it's the truth. I might be known as (Name) in my current body, but my soul is a different matter...

I'm over 500 years old technically: 300 years of death, 25 years of the first life, 16 years repeated so many times. More recently though, 2 weeks repeated more times then I can count.

Each world I enter seems to always be a dead end, a failure, a horrible and gruesome death always awaiting me, either by the hands of Eliza and her army, or by one of my dear friends who lost themselves somewhere along this terrible and never ending 2 weeks.

It wasn't always like this though, there at one point was a happy ending in my sights... but for a witch... things never exactly end up that way it seems. Our existence comes into being too soon and we leave it much sooner.

Perhaps I should explain, or recount my own memories up to this world... yes that might be helpful...

310 years ago~

I was a witch born from this very land, a nameless land as humans had yet to come and settle the area. As the witch who maintained and cared for it, I also knew all the secrets of this place and as a result, I hoped that humans would still refrain from settling this place.

And for the first 15 years of my existence, things seemed to do exactly that, at least until two men thrown out from their own families had arrived.

"I'm telling you! This place would be perfect! Lot's of land, water, animals! You could start your church, and I could finally find something for me to do! We'll get all sorts of people to come and settle this place, we'll get married, have kids and be known for centuries for founding this place! Just think of it Stefano!"

"You're much too excited again... think about this rationally, we don't know this place, nor where exactly on the continent we are. And we're only looking for a place to go to because you were caught dealing with black magic in the first place. Be lucky my family rescued your ass before you were stoned to death."

The grumpier Italian man paused and watched as the British man looked at him and apologized for dragging his friend into his mess... again. It had always been this way for Stefano Vargas and William Kirkland since they were children: William would get into some kind of trouble and Stefano would come to his defense. The two were friendly to each other and appreciated their friendship, but that's all it was: a friendship made because they both had no other person to involve or rely on aside from each other.

"And besides... who would want to marry you and those caterpillars you call eyebrows anyway... I'd pray they aren't hereditary..." Stefano smugly laughed and watched as William hit him on his arm a few times.

"Would ya shut it?" The northern european man called and attempted to look at his eyebrows. "They're not that bad... are they?"

Stefano rolled his eyes and continued walking along the overgrown woodland. "Be careful where you're stepping... this place does not look very sta-"

The sounds of rolling dirts and rocks, as well as a manly scream and curse caused the Italian to sigh before looking behind him and to see that his more rebellious partner had done exactly what he was attempting to warn him not to do.


A few feet below him and now on the ground covered in dirt and small pebbles, an auburn haired man rubbed his head and muttered out a few groans. He was definitely going to feel that in the morning...

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